Stone Mountain 2021 Comprehensive Plan Update

One of the fundamental responsibilities of local government is planning – a word used to describe how a community shapes and guides its future growth, development, and identity. Updating the comprehensive plan offers the community the opportunity to look beyond the execution of day-to-day services and consider where they want to be in the future, as well as what needs to be done to get there.

Check back here regularly to get up-to-date information about the City of Stone Mountain's 2021 Comprehensive Plan Update process and to participate in engagement opportunities to help shape the plan.

Draft Plan for Review

The first draft of the Comprehensive Plan Update was discussed in a public hearing at the September 21, 2021 meeting of Stone Mountain's City Council. That document and the public hearing discussion led to the development of the second draft, which will be submitted to the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for state review by the end of September. The second draft is available online for review at this link. The public is encouraged to submit any comments on the draft to ChaQuias Miller-Thornton, City Manager, via email at


As an initial step, we developed survey tool to gather public input on Stone Mountain's assets, challenges, and priorities for the future. The survey was open from April 22-July 6. Results are below.

Question title

What are the three (3) strongest assets in Stone Mountain currently?

If you see a response you agree with, you can upvote that response instead of replicating it.

Closed for Comments
Proximity to the park
The bones for a thriving business community
Loyal locals dying for things to do/ places to go in stone mountain
3 years ago
Walk ability
Small size
3 years ago
Potential for thriving business and social community
3 years ago
Potentially walkability- some improvement still badly needed.
3 years ago
Friendly atmosphere, small town feel, proximity to other local destinations
3 years ago
The walkability. Small town feel but still close to the city. The potential of growing into a really thriving town. So many opportunities for growth and development if government would allow change.
3 years ago
Rozes jossAs long as Main St continues to be a drive through only, our businesses will suffer. Our streets and roads in coming and out going will continue to be destroyed. Parking free for St Mt Park visitors will continue to stop the flow of revenue to businesses on Main St and side streets . We can only grow if we do this together. Conflicts among residents, council members and businesses has to stop. There must be Unity. Raising of taxes with no concern that we were all suffering through this pandemic was unconquerable. Why do we still have NO library? This is a source of education, computer assistance for those that need help and not to mention books for us all to indulge in through this unusual time.
3 years ago
G CriswellA massive infrastructure project on James B. Rivers East from Memorial Drive to Ponce de Leon Avenue would be a great step toward creating a positive image for the city and a safe pedestrian and cyclist pathway to the mountain. This street is a major gateway to the state's largest tourist attraction, Stone Mountain, as well as to the City of Stone Mountain and currently the business district in this area looks like something from a Zombie Apocalypse movie. The currently approved traffic study does NOT take the needs or desires of the residents and businesses into account and does not provide a measurement for tracking the point at which traffic speeds reach their peak, which is in front of Veal Street. There is zero transparency about the cost of the study and why it does not include this key detail or why it does not include an accounting for the weights of the massive vehicles that use this street on a regular basis. There is currently no way to safely walk in this area to downtown or to the mountain and the City Council has so far refused to include these key measurements in the upcoming traffic study. To obtain accurate information on ways to proceed with improvements to this area, both of these details need to be measured and the will of the tax paying citizens with regard to how the study is handled, needs to be addressed. The City and Public Works Department have been asked to wait until a consensus from residents and businesses can be obtained in order to conduct a traffic study that accurately reflects our issues and to provide transparency with regard to this upcoming study.
3 years ago
Gregory ParkerThe city has alot of potential but there is to much red tape to start a business.And the leadership or people in power aren't properly spending the funds I've been a home owner since 1997 here and have payed close attention.Also the property taxes are ridiculous for this small town and compared to near by cities .
3 years ago
Historical importance of Shermantown and stories of generations of residents
3 years ago
MB ReedIts history and its historic buildings
3 years ago
small size
transparent city government
3 years ago
Stone Mountain Park
3 years ago
Stone Mountain Park
Thousands of cars travel up and down Main Street everyday.
Historic City
3 years ago
Proximity to ATL
Proximity to Stn Mtn Park
3 years ago
Stone Mountain is close to the park and everyone just parks here so they can go in for free. There is not shops here for people to purchase items from other that drinking and dining establishments. This used to be a thriving community and over the years the town has gone in the toilet. There are no festivals, outdoor events or even parades anymore.
3 years ago
Proximity to the park
The expanding dining and shopping options
Walking to the village or parking and being able to walk to dine and shop
3 years ago
Jalaire HickmanEasy access to Stone Mt Park
Small community feel
Friendly neighbors
3 years ago
It has so much potential downtown Stone Mountain. The rent is a little pricey though.
3 years ago
In your plan , you have misleading information! You have properties listed as downtown Stone Mountain when they actually in the City of Tucker.
3 years ago
Proximity to Stone Mountain Park
Georgia Military College
New businesses revitalizing downtown business district
3 years ago
M Cathy Harmon-Christiandiversity of the community
areas of natural beauty
3 years ago
Proximity to the ATL
Proximity to Stn Mtn Park
Potential for walkability
3 years ago
The growth of the ATL region and the current availability of reasonably priced real estate.

3 years ago
Small size, proximity to park, small businesses
3 years ago
Marla Bexley-LovellNatural resources and "Urban Forest" environment
Historic homes and Main Street commercial core
Close proximity to St Mtn Park and Atlanta
3 years ago
3 years ago
Family Friendly
Good bones
3 years ago
Walkability, Proximity to Stone Mountain Park, Friendly small town atmosphere
3 years ago
Michelle D Veerasawmy-DunbarMost definitely agree.
3 years ago

Question title

What are the three (3) biggest challenges facing Stone Mountain currently?

If you see a response you agree with, you can upvote that response instead of replicating it.

Closed for Comments
City leaders are defiant to raise money and put initiatives in place to complete beautification and public works projects.

Building Owners do not want to revitalize their properties.

Certain businesses do not open during the hours that they advertise on a consistent basis.
3 years ago
Identity confusion between Stone Mountain Park, unincorporated Stone Mountain, City of Stone Mountain/Village
No alternate traffic route creates horrible morning and afternoon back-ups
Lack of retail shops
3 years ago
empty store fronts, lack of parking, more shopping options, confusion over Park and City
3 years ago
Michelle D Veerasawmy-DunbarEmpty Storefronts,
not enough businesses open consistently,
Lack of parking
3 years ago
Excessive Traffic
Lack of downtown parking
Identity confusion with unincorporated Stone Mountain
3 years ago
ESFSchools are horrible
Roads are terrible
Stigmatized as racist due to mountain monument
3 years ago
Excessive traffic, Lack of parking, Empty storefronts
3 years ago
M Cathy Harmon-Christianhistory of KKK and white supremacist violence which continues to be played down by some government and business leaders
need revitalization with affordability of community outside the park
access to walking trails, cafes, shopping outside the park
3 years ago
Mary Jane JohnsonI see where other towns have no thru traffic signs installed. The traffic coming through the village does not help the citizens of the village being able to park, shop or drive their golf carts around the village during the day.
If we are a golf cart community, we need to be able to utilize access more.
I own a building on Main Street and I do update and keep my building up. During this pandemic, I have not tried to rent my building. I have been doing some udating inside the building.
And the process of getting a tenant in the building is so long and drawn out with so many permits and inspections, that possible tenants are going to other towns. It takes around 6 months for a tenant to be approved. Persons who want to open a business in the village do not want to be tied up in permits for months. This has been my main problem with renting my building.
3 years ago
The problem with Stone Mountain is that they keep voting in the same people to run the city. They have a City Manager that keeps raising the taxes claiming it is to pay for payroll when the city got 2 COVID relief packages. The same people run this town and have run it into the ground. They removed the overhang which everyone liked and kept the weather off of people shopping. They put back garbage that is not attractive and changed the original design. What ever the DDA wants they get and the citizens have to foot the bill for it. The traffic was of a big concern 2 years ago and nothing has been done about that at all. Who wants to come and open a store up in Stone Mountain there is too much red tape you have to go through to get open one up. The challenges will continue until the people wake up and start voting in representatives that are honest and care about this city rather than have a title and get extra money.
3 years ago
Resistance to embrace difficult racial history and be a model for acknowledging and honoring painful history
3 years ago
City Government
No good recreation
Bad downtown
3 years ago
With as many bikes passing through (people walking to the park will stop and shop or dine sometimes), there are very few ways for them to enjoy the city (bicycle parking) and travel options—the Atlanta bicycle PATH stops near the five-way intersection and continues near city hall
The Village feels separate from Shermantown, rather than the two feeling like two combined areas that are working together
Traffic issues at five-way intersection as well as entering/leaving the Village on Main Street (start/end of work days and weekends)
3 years ago
City council and mayor’s failure to take advantage of the innate assets of the city. Too much potential being squandered by government apathy
3 years ago
Jalaire HickmanDilapidated houses & buildings
Lack of upkeep on major roads
No grocery store
3 years ago
Traffic flowing thru village
No playground (we need a great playground)
Need some more restaurant options
Need a market
3 years ago

Vacant Building Owners

Connectivity between walkable areas
3 years ago
Streets/roads are littered with HUGE potholes that literally destroy your automobile. It’s a very unattractive feature of out town. It makes it less desirable to drive through. ~~Also, I agree with all of the above.
3 years ago
property owners maintaining exterior of property
code enforcement doing their job
city leaders bringing community together
3 years ago
Businesses are treated more as hobbies, not serious business

Need better advertising/marketing for the city

Too hard to open a business
3 years ago
Identity confusion with unincorporated Stone Mountain and Park
Empty storefronts/unused green space in middle of town
Need daytime retail and businesses open more regularly
3 years ago
The City's property tax digest is heavily residential and there is little room for new commercial development to alleviate the increasing tax burden on homeowners. Is there any possibility for annexation?
How to benefit from or ameliorate the problem created by the enormous traffic flow on our "landlocked" Main Street.
Competition with larger Metropolitan Atlanta municipalities for experienced and talented governmental employees.
3 years ago
Current city government
Blighted downtown without shops of interest
Apathetic citizenry
3 years ago
Bad city government
Blighted downtown
Nothing here to encourage new homeowners (i.e. parks, good schools, shopping)
3 years ago
no grocery store, food desert
3 years ago
Lack of accessible entrances to shops is not welcoming-lots of ways to do that in a historic district
3 years ago
The city government is completely incapable of coming into the 21st century. Unqualified administration, corrupt city council. A mayor that might have been fine in 1960 but appears to have dementia issues and can't see the forest for the trees.
3 years ago
The buildings need paint and general rehab. The few run down shops are not reason enough to stop.
3 years ago
The lack of interesting shops. No one from the ATL will come to Stone Mountain for T-shirts, crystals and junk
3 years ago
The existence of klan and their continued involvement in Stone Mountain politics
3 years ago
MB ReedStrong vibrant communities are the result of many factors but I think good schools maybe at the heart what of what our community needs most to grow.
3 years ago
G CriswellA massive infrastructure project on James B. Rivers East from Memorial Drive to Ponce de Leon Avenue would be a great step toward creating a positive image for the city and a safe pedestrian and cyclist pathway to the mountain. This street is a major gateway to the state's largest tourist attraction, Stone Mountain, as well as to the City of Stone Mountain and currently the business district in this area looks like something from a Zombie Apocalypse movie. The currently approved traffic study does NOT take the needs or desires of the residents and businesses into account and does not provide a measurement for tracking the point at which traffic speeds reach their peak, which is in front of Veal Street. There is zero transparency about the cost of the study and why it does not include this key detail or why it does not include an accounting for the weights of the massive vehicles that use this street on a regular basis. There is currently no way to safely walk in this area to downtown or to the mountain and the City Council has so far refused to include these key measurements in the upcoming traffic study. To obtain accurate information on ways to proceed with improvements to this area, both of these details need to be measured and the will of the tax paying citizens with regard to how the study is handled, needs to be addressed. The City and Public Works Department have been asked to wait until a consensus from residents and businesses can be obtained in order to conduct a traffic study that accurately reflects our issues and to provide transparency with regard to this upcoming study.
3 years ago
Juneteenth is a made up holiday from Texas. Emancipation proclamation freed slaves only in confederate held areas. 13th Amendment freed all people, slaves and indentured servants, of all races, in all states. This is the date to celebrate.
3 years ago
High crime rate in county is incorrectly associated with the city. Murders in DeKalb and Tucker are reported as in “Stone Mountain”.

Dumping ground for people too cheap to buy a park parking pass. They use our limited parking resources, burden our public works by trashing our city, and contribute nothing to the businesses or tax base by spending money in the city.
3 years ago
Rachel McKee Proximity to mountain
New Construction
Downtown if SAFE (no way to know who’s around you)
3 years ago
Government. Lack of redevelopment. Business owners preventing opportunities by not selling or updating their facade. Too many junk shops of non operating businesses. Lack of retailers. Lack of food options. No promotion for downtown. Government again.
3 years ago
Empty storefronts
Lack of identity (village, unincorporated, and city)
Poor public infrastructure (broken, small sidewalks, lack of public parks, facilities, etc)
3 years ago
Misleading information about businesses coming. There is planning when action is not following. Is this because our administration has problems?
3 years ago

Question title

What are three (3) words or phrases you would use to describe Stone Mountain to someone unfamiliar with the community?

If you see a response you agree with, you can upvote that response instead of replicating it.

Closed for Comments
3 years ago
Michelle D Veerasawmy-DunbarFriendly
3 years ago
Southern Charm
Small Friendly Community
3 years ago
3 years ago
Quaint / charming
3 years ago
1. Very divided 2. slow to change and get rid of sad racist past3.charming small Village
3 years ago
Empty storefronts
Painful history
3 years ago
Ghost Town, Klan run, Two-faced city leaders
3 years ago
3 years ago
Boring, Dirty, Tired
3 years ago
Second rate merchants
3 years ago
I can't describe Stone Mountain. The quaintness went away when the awning was torn down. There are empty stores and no shopping. It is really not a friendly community since no one interacts with each other.
3 years ago
New comers love potentiality but start problems when history is mentioned? Please address correctly without opinion.
3 years ago

mid 20th century attitudes
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
Forrest W CordesI picked the Community/Diversity option as much for what I see evolving in Stone Mountain as who I know in the Community.
3 years ago
Small town atmosphere
New restaurants and entertainment revitalizing the downtown district
Walking distance to Stone Mountain Park
3 years ago
M Cathy Harmon-Christiandiverse
natural beauty
3 years ago
Mary Jane JohnsonThe town of Stone Mountain has always been a diverse community. I have lived here for most of my life and I have friends that I grew up with that are still here also.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Friendly, inviting, and neighborly
Becoming a dining/shopping/nightlife destination
3 years ago
Small-town feel with great potential for retail and commercial growth

A community with a mix of traditional southern values and visionary entrepreneurs who see the potential in modern ideas

A walkable, dog-friendly, golf cart friendly place where neighbors gather for barbecues in the summer and around fire pits in the winter
3 years ago
None of the above is how I would describe Stone Mountain. The charm and quaintness went out when they torn down the continuous awning. Now all you have is the same type of businesses and no shopping except for a few.
3 years ago
None of these are what I would describe Stone Mountain.
3 years ago
Behind the times
3 years ago
Jalaire HickmanBeautiful
3 years ago
Historic, Diverse, Community
3 years ago
A modern Mayberry
3 years ago
nice homes
good location
not enough to do
3 years ago
Diverse but has a hard time stepping into the 21st century.
Generally areas history is romanticized to the detriment of the greater good
3 years ago

Question title

Quality of life can be defined as the standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or group. How would you rate the quality of life that you experience in Stone Mountain ?

Closed to responses | 75 Responses

Question title

What places in Stone Mountain are most important to you? (e.g., local businesses, parks, places of worship, community centers, buildings, etc.)

If you see a response you agree with, you can upvote that response instead of replicating it.

Closed for Comments
Michelle D Veerasawmy-DunbarLocal businesses
Good variety of restaurants
3 years ago
thriving day/night opportunities for food, fellowship, shopping
3 years ago
Parks, stores and public area
3 years ago
Local Businesses, Community Events
3 years ago
Downtown. A city with a blighted downtown usually has higher crime and lower property values. SMV’s downtown is really making great progress.
3 years ago
Need Good grocery store
Why is library still closed?
Streets need cleaning
Public works is very poorly run
3 years ago
The city does not want a community center so built a retirement home instead. They also purchased the Old Post Office for $600,000 instead of the Rock Gym and has not put the citizens in debt to pay it off. 30 years ago Stone Mountain had events all the time and all of the store fronts had a business in them then the click took over and everyone left and now we have nothing to show for it. You don't need more restaurants, drinking establishments this town needs a shot of wake up juice. Years ago they compared themselves to Decatur but Decatur had a group of people that had a vision and that vision came true. Stone Mountain has no vision and the same people are running it into the group. How many times can you do the same study over and over again and nothing happens. Those people need to go and another group needs to take over because they never listen to what the people are saying they only do what they want.
3 years ago
There are no important places in Stone Mountain. Everything is run or done by certain individuals or groups. What is the point in having another survey when it is never looked at or read. The town is only being improved for the enjoyment of a small group of people.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Historic Buildings
Local Businesses
Stone Mountain Park
3 years ago
Forrest W CordesThis category is the weakest for the City.
3 years ago
Pedestrian entrance to Stone Mountain Park
Historic Train Depot - home of the Tourism Center
ART Station
3 years ago
M Cathy Harmon-Christianlocal businesses
access to natural beauty
affordability for all
3 years ago
YasinLocal businesses
Community events
Parks & youth recreational activities
3 years ago
Community/Help Center
Bike Trails
3 years ago
Downtown. A city with a blighted downtown usually has higher crime and lower property values. Downtown has made little progress in the last 25 years.
3 years ago
Community Center, Parks, Enjoyable Public Areas - all non existent
3 years ago
Dining and shopping
Centralized community
Centralized park/public space
3 years ago
MB ReedRock Gym, Main Street Block, Mountain Street
3 years ago
Music venues
3 years ago
Jalaire HickmanStone Mountain park
Community events
3 years ago
Local businesses. Having a variety of fun things to do for both families, young adults, and couples .
3 years ago
Local businesses and places of worship
3 years ago
Lovely places of worship
Historic homes
Businesses - love the ones that are here, but wishing and hoping others find us more desirable if we make netter and necessary decisions about our town.
3 years ago
local businesses
community center
farmers market
3 years ago

Question title

Use this map to point out the places in Stone Mountain that are most important to you. (e.g., local businesses, parks, places of worship, community centers, buildings, etc.)

Question title

What are the most significant natural and environmental resources in the area? (Natural and environmental resources can include bodies of water, wildlife and wildlife habitat, forests, undeveloped land, etc.)

If you see a response you agree with, you can upvote that response instead of replicating it.

Closed for Comments
Stone Mountain Park - water, trails, hiking, native plants
3 years ago
the mountain-not the touristy stuff but the Park itself and all of the natural opportunities that are available
3 years ago
Stone Mountain Park
Trails leading to Decatur and Lithonia
3 years ago
Phil TownesThe parks
3 years ago
The mountain
3 years ago
The mountain is not part of the city. 30 years ago maybe but the city burned those bridges and didn't work with the park so both could grow and prosper. The sidewalks in the city are all uneven and the only one is on East Mountain street where the city spent tax payers money to improve a residential area not the business area. The city does not care about trees because they are letting people cut them down all the time.
3 years ago
All of the nature surrounding Stone Mountain Park.
All of Our parks that COULD/SHOULD be thriving.
3 years ago
Our parks and green spaces with free pedestrian access to Stone Mountain Park.
3 years ago
Stone Mountain Park, The PATH, Parks
3 years ago
m Cathy Harmon-ChristianMain St
hiking/access to nature
diverse, quaint, well maintained, affordable shops
3 years ago
The park is the place for a walk or hike. There is nothing within the city limit that is available for public enjoyment. The town is overrun by coyote downtown at night and loose pit bulls day and night.
3 years ago
The park and all it offers
The unused (except for church functions) green space in front of the center of the Village
3 years ago

Question title

How would you characterize the pace of development in Stone Mountain in recent years?

Too slow
Just right
No opinion
Too fast
Closed to responses | 65 Responses

Question title

Where do you think new development should be focused or located in Stone Mountain?

If you see a response you agree with, you can upvote that response instead of replicating it.

Closed for Comments
Empty storefronts on Main St
3 years ago
New businesses and support for existing businesses along the Main Street Corridor (JB Rivers to Rockbridge)
3 years ago
3 years ago
Michelle D Veerasawmy-DunbarNew businesses in the downtown district
3 years ago
Somehow, need to expand downtown to reach further or deeper.
3 years ago
This town will never improve until you remove the current leadership and replace them with ones that have a vision for the entire town. Not just Sherman Town, East Mountain, or Historic District but the entire town. The DDA has done nothing in the 20 years they have been in power. It is money being thrown away every year that can be put to other improvements. The entire city needs to be cleaned up and made more attractive so people would like living here. Give incentives to home owners to improve the look of their property and business to improve theirs.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Mary Jane JohnsonI don't feel like the building owners have the support of the City. I have had several problems with getting renters into my building and everytime a tenant moves out I get a call from someone wanting to buy my building. This building has been in my family, which I can document, since 1906 and I have no intention of selling it in my lifetime.
3 years ago
Old Marta lot into a nice park, playground area. Maybe a little splash pad feature.
3 years ago
All along Main Street and side streets surrounding. Businesses should extend further down Main Street in both directions. A round about near the German restaurant to help with traffic and accidents would be a huge necessity in my opinion.
3 years ago
Redevelopment of the blighted condominium community on Rankin Street/JBR.
The four acre tract downtown owned by First Baptist Church
MARTA lot on Fourth Street
3 years ago
M Cathy Harmon-Christianmain st
3 years ago
should focus on community needs - good wholesome food and groceries
3 years ago
BYasinMemorial Drive corridor leading to St. Mtn. Pk,
3 years ago
Community Center
Improve Main St
Sidewalks throughout
3 years ago
Grocery Stores
Empty Storefronts
Embrace a chain store to start with for recognition
3 years ago
Community Center
Beautification of Downtown
3 years ago
Community Center,
3 years ago
Improving the Village’s buildings and retail/dining options
Making the Village have a local/community park experience (like Lilburn’s centralized community park) rather than rarely used parks like McCurdy, VFW, or Randolph Medlock parks which are not centralized (like the huge central green space across from downtown across the tracks) which could make the Village much more of a family destination (dining, shopping, and fun in the Village’s park of the city owned it rather than the church rarely using it)
3 years ago
Community Center
Revitalize the downtown, add unique lighting and facelift the building fronts
3 years ago
G CriswellDowntown needs to include the business district on the Eastern portion of James B. Rivers Dr. where thousands of cars pass through on a daily basis and their first impression of the city is neglect, pot holes, wrecked cars, empty buildings, no safe sidewalks. It would currently make a great location for a zombie apocalypse, Walking Dead, or Mad Max Movie. The city has ignored this area for decades and it needs to be included in the upcoming traffic study. This is 2021!!
3 years ago
Improve traffic patterns. Enforcement of speed limits, especially on JBR Memorial Drive
3 years ago
Stone Mountain village businesses, inviting playgrounds, splash pads, and other family friendly attractions in the Village area to create a thriving downtown
3 years ago
Too bad the current church property could not be turned into a little stage venue. The gentle slope down the hill to a stage area would make for a neat site foe live music. And the gorgeous view from the Stillwell House which is a draw to them AND our community, would not be impeded.
3 years ago
Main Street
3 years ago

Question title

How do you perceive the supply/amount of the following housing types in Stone Mountain?

59 responses

Question title

How do you perceive the following aspects of the City's transportation system?

58 responses

Question title

Are there any locations in the City that you feel are particularly dangerous for pedestrians or bicyclists? Please list specific intersections or areas – and what makes the area dangerous (e.g., traffic, traffic signals, lack of crosswalks, quality of road surface, etc.).

Closed for Comments
The five points intersection
Reply15 Agree3 years ago
Mary Jane JohnsonIn 1996 the city closed off Silver Hill Road at the five point intersection during the Olympics and diverted the traffic to turn left onto Silver Hill and it worked. That is just one block down and it avoided most of the traffic jams at the intersection. I think that should be do...See More
3 Agree3 years ago
Michelle D Veerasawmy-DunbarMain Street from Poole to James B Rivers
In front of City Hall
James B Rivers intersecting with Main Street, by the Citgo gas station
Reply8 Agree3 years ago
Corner of JBR and Ridge. Needs to be a four way stop. Turning left off ridge, the train bridge obstructs the view of oncoming traffic.
Reply8 Agree3 years ago
Phil TownesJBR and Ponce, et. al. Bad for biking
Reply7 Agree3 years ago
All of the crosswalks that are not at a traffic light are dangerous due to lack of visibility of pedestrians using them. Also JBR suffers from excessive speeding issues on both sides of the 5-points intersection.
Reply4 Agree3 years ago
Unfortunately, excessive speed is a problem all over town.
Agree3 years ago

Question title

What is your primary reason for visiting downtown Stone Mountain (select all that apply)

Government Services
Closed to responses | 62 Responses

Question title

What do you think is the top project or improvement that could be made to downtown Stone Mountain?

If you see a response you agree with, you can upvote that response instead of replicating it.

Closed for Comments
Michelle D Veerasawmy-DunbarTo get rid of all the empty storefronts and open new businesses.
3 years ago
Beautification. All over. Grass needs to be cut, flowers planted, get rid of weeds. Just general landscape maintenance needs to be done all over the place.
3 years ago
Force the owners of empty store fronts to use them or rent/sell them so someone who wants to have a business in our City to do so.
3 years ago
To have a common event space that leaves the parking lot open for parking
3 years ago
Attract more boutique-type and specialty type shops to main street, such as toy store, ice-cream shop, flower shop, American Girl store, jewelry store, magazine/newstand. These type businesses would create a walking patronage and really foster that small town feel that everyone loves about the city.
3 years ago
Get the empty shops open again, beautify the streets, sidewalks with flowers/plants, make it feel safe to cross the street as a pedestrian, more parking...
3 years ago
A parking plan that solves the problem with Stone Mountain Park visitors taking away spaces for local businesses.
3 years ago
Public works does not do its job. Curbs real dirty, no grass cut , no plantings - flowers. Where does our tax dollars go?
3 years ago
Gut it and start over. The look and feel of the downtown area is tired and not attractive. It used to be quaint and charming and now it is just nothing. There are residential areas that overgrown grass, street full of dirt and leaves. You can force the business owners to do anything you work with the business owners to improve the look of their property. The city has never realized that and every election the ones running keep saying they have done this and that and it is all a lie. This survey will go nowhere unless the people stand up and say enough is enough and make them listen. It is the same people that have done this and they don't care they have their own ideas and it is not the people that live here.
3 years ago
G CriswellMajor infrastructure improvements on James B. Rivers Drive from Memorial Drive to Ponce de Leon. Passing through this area is the first impression thousands of visitors to the mountain have every single day. For decades this area has looked like something from the Zombie Apocalypse and the callous manner in which the currently approved traffic study for this area was recommended and approved, possibly based on a packet of traffic calming measures that I personally put together does NOT include input from other citizens and businesses affected by this upcoming study. It needs to be halted until input from those most affected can be gathered. I have put together a comprehensive survey/petition and already have multiple signatures. The city needs to wait and conduct the traffic study on this street properly, with the needs of the affected taxpayers taken into account. This area is particularly dangerous for pedestrians, wheel chair users, cyclists and homeowners pulling in and out of their driveways. Major improvements need to be made on this street. Appropriate traffic calming measures, including stop signs, additional speed limit signs, re-paving, re-stripping, safe sidewalks, flashing speed warning lights, wildlife crossing signs, children at play signs, bicycle stencils painted on the roads to warn motorists of the hundreds of cyclists using this road on their way to the mountain, are just SOME of items that are needed on this road.. Currently a PARTIAL traffic study has been approved that does NOT include major issues affecting residents and businesses. It was approved by the Public Works Director WITHOUT input from the affected community. I personally put together a packet of potential traffic calming measures that was apparently interpreted by the City Council as having been put together by the Public Works Director. It was not!! A request for the city to halt this study until residents and businesses can be contacted and information about the specifics of what we want to be included in the study, has so far been rejected by the City Council as of May 18, 2021. For more than a year and a half, I have repeatedly asked the City Council to pay attention to the increasingly aggressive traffic on this street, and yet the primary issues, such as the point at which speeds reach their highest peak (Veal Street) and the weights of the massive vehicles speeding through and damaging the foundations of the older homes in this top speed zone have not been included in the upcoming study. Additionally, it does not even extend through the business district to Ridge Avenue. We have not been informed of the cost of the study and why certain aspects of the study were decided upon and not others. There is no transparency. A request to the City Council to put the study on hold until the actual needs and desires of the affected citizens has been gathered, was rebuked by the City Council on May 18, 2021 without explanation and without input from affected citizens being allowed. The process by which the currently requested traffic study was submitted by the Public Works Director and subsequently approved was NOT done in the best interest of the citizens and businesses in this area and the study needs to be put on hold until all those affected have been surveyed about what we would like to see measured and what we would like to see happen as a result. This street has been neglected for decades and this is 2021. The people should be respected and have an opportunity to be involved in what is taking place. Making decisions about how a traffic study should be conducted should be transparent and should accurately reflect the will of the citizens the City Council and Public Works Department represent.
3 years ago
Streetscape projects. Bike lanes. Better PATH through town
3 years ago
build an amphitheater!
3 years ago
Pushing traffic off main street
3 years ago
Usable playground and outdoor common area.
3 years ago
Beautification. BRANDING AND SIGNAGE. Our city looks like a ghost town and there’s nothing that screams “Welcome to Stone Mountain Village” in order to get people to actually stop, stay, shop.
3 years ago
Playground in vets park with a splash pad
3 years ago
Round about at the five point intersection
3 years ago
Beautification. The old raggedy sign at the five-way is outdated, it leans, and the bushes and picnic table area right there is so POORLY maintained. When you are at the traffic light on silver hill coming into the town and you get stopped, the litter and the overgrown bushes and that ugly sign are all you have to look at. Just bad advertising for our cute town. It should at least have a GRANITE base. Heck, we are IN Stone Mountain for goodness’ sake. That ugly sign just needs to be torn down period.
3 years ago
The city needs to own or lease the greenspace and pavillion that the Baptist Church owns in the middle of town. This would be a great gathering place for residents and would draw more people to our downtown area. It would also be a great place for events. Drive through downtown Lilburn and see their new greenspace. People flock to it because they want a place to hang out and interact with one another.
3 years ago
ESFModernize it
Do something w the green space looks tired
3 years ago
Revitalize every storefront on Main Street
3 years ago
Parking. Not necessarily more, just finding a way to stop walk in park goers from parking there.
3 years ago

Question title

If desired, please use the space below to list anything else you would like to be considered in future planning efforts for Stone Mountain that was not covered by the previous survey questions.

Closed for Comments
I would like to see more of a presence of local officials. There is a sense of disconnect between many in the community whereas a lot of businesses don't feel supported which in turn comes across to the general public. A lot has been said about the "new" business but what about t...See More
Reply14 Agree3 years ago
Need more outdoor activities that will bring people into downtown. Some suggestions: Taste of Stone Mountain, concerts, monthly or quarterly flea market/craft show, art festival, book festival, cultural festivals (not just Juneteenth, but what about Asian/German/Latin/Hispanic/Af...See More
Reply13 Agree3 years ago
Elect members to Council that are interested in working WITH the DDA and not against them.
Reply12 Agree3 years ago
DDA does nothing for the city
3 Agree3 years ago
Agree3 years ago
Need to make the village appealing for young people/families. We need nice parks to take our kids too, nice inviting main streets to walk down, and a clean, safe, maintained sidewalk to get there.
Reply7 Agree3 years ago
Elect council members who actually LIVE IN THE CITY and are interested in what’s best for it.
Elect members who have the skills and knowledge of projects and are capable of getting the ball rolling to make them happen. Teresa is one of the ones who stands out currently, and ...See More
Reply5 Agree3 years ago

Question title

Which of the following statements apply to you? (select all that apply)

I am a resident of Stone Mountain
I work in Stone Mountain
I own a business located in Stone Mountain
Closed to responses | 66 Responses

Question title

If you are a resident of Stone Mountain, how long have you lived in the city?

More than 20 years
More than 1 year but fewer than 5 years
More than 5 years but fewer than 10 years
More than 10 years but fewer than 20 years
Less than 1 year
Not applicable
Closed to responses | 59 Responses

Question title

What is your age?

60 or older
17 or younger
Closed to responses | 64 Responses

Question title

What race do you identify as?

Multiple races
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish
Black or African-American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Not listed
I prefer not to answer
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your gender identity?

I prefer not to answer
Not listed
Closed to responses | 63 Responses

Question title

What best describes your housing status?

I am a homeowner
I am a renter
I prefer not to answer
Not listed
I am a dependent
Closed to responses | 65 Responses


Steering Committee Meeting #1

February 23, 2021 at 4:00 PM (online)

Steering Committee Meeting #2

May 3, 2021 at 3:30 PM (online)

Public Engagement Opportunity - Virtual Open House

June 17, 2021 at 5:00 PM (online)

Public Engagement Opportunity - Online Survey

Online survey open from April 22 through July 6. See "Welcome & Survey" tab on this project website.

Steering Committee Meeting #3

August 12, 2021 at 4:00 PM (online)

Transmittal Hearing

September 21, 2021 at 6:30 PM

Review, Approval, and Adoption

DCA Review and Approval: Complete

Adoption: Oct. 28, 2021 at 6:00 PM