Question title

The City of Raleigh wants to hear from a broad cross-section of the Wakefield community. By helping us understand where you live in the area, we can identify any neighborhoods we have not heard from through this process. Please indicate on the map below generally where you live. If you enter your street name, the map will find it for you.

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Question title

Drag and drop the icons provided to identify opportunities and challenges in the Wakefield Small Area (outlined in orange)! Show us places you love and places where you have big ideas or suggestions. For areas where important pedestrian and bicycle connections need to occur, use the "Draw line" tool at the bottom of the map to show us!

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There is terrible visibility for oncoming traffic heading West on John Rex Blvd. If you are taking a left out of the Harris Teeter parking lot onto John Rex Blvd, it's impossible to see who is coming from right because of the hedges in the median. Take them down and replace with ...See More
Reply36 Agree3 years ago
Or replace the hedges with trees that have a single trunk, thereby improving visibility and providing more shading at the same time!
6 Agree3 years ago
I agree - something needs to be done soon. The traffic has just increased within the past year.
Agree3 years ago
Falls and Capital stop light is brutal... ton of traffic of course and the light lasts a long time. Anything to ease flow would be great
Reply23 Agree3 years ago
Need a better solution to traffic on New Falls than adding more stop lights, which only impede traffic flow
6 Agree3 years ago
Correct. This area especially FON lanes needs to be widened or at least the turn lanes need to be widened further back so that people turning left or right onto Capital don't hold up traffic going straight. Applies to both directions.
6 Agree3 years ago
The approaches with large dips at the ends of these bridges are horrible. Maintenance to make the transition from the roadway to the bridge smooth is needed.
Reply17 Agree3 years ago
Some sort of pedestrian walkway from the high school down to the greenway at the dam is needed. This would also tie the greenway along Old Falls of Nuese to the Neuse River greenway.
Reply12 Agree3 years ago
Also the length of Wakefield Pines and on New Falls of Neuse from Wakefield Pines to the paths leading to the Greenway from New Falls of Neuse.
2 Agree3 years ago
It is unnerving and dangerous for walkers with children or dogs to cross on the unguarded sidewalks on the Falls bridge where cars are speeding past. A protected, separate sidewalk or pedestrian bridge would be far preferable for area residents who want to use the greenway but do...See More
Reply11 Agree3 years ago


Question title

Is there anything the project team should know about the environmental features of the area?

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Question title

Please react to the statements below. Also, if there are other specific roadways in the study area you believe have speeding issues, please note those in the comments for this question.

159 responses
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Question title

What type of facility do you prefer to ride a bike on? Select your top preference only.

On road dedicated bike lane adjacent to travel lane
On road buffered bike lanes
Off road separated cycling facility
Greenway (not parallel to roadways)
I don't cycle.
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Question title

Why do you cycle in the Wakefield Area? Choose all options that apply to you.

To get to work
To get to school
To get to shopping
To visit friends and family
To get to church
To get to neighborhood amenities
I don't cycle in this area.
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Question title

Why do you walk in the Wakefield Area? Choose all options that apply to you.

To get to work
To get to school
To get to shopping
To visit friends and family
To get to church
To get to neighborhood amenities
I don't walk in this area.
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Question title

If you told us that you don't walk or ride a bike in this area, can you tell us why?

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Question title

How are you using the greenway facilities in the Wakefield area today? Select all that apply.

I use the greenways for recreation.
I do NOT use the greenways at all.
I use the greenways to get to shopping.
I use the greenways to visit family and friends.
I use the greenways to get to work or school.
Closed to responses | 155 Responses

Question title

Would you ever use transit to travel to or from the Wakefield community?

Yes, I would be interested in using transit.
No, I do not plan to ever use transit.
Maybe, I might consider using transit in the future.
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Question title

Where would you take a visitor to show them what makes Wakefield special to you?

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Question title

Auto-oriented shopping areas focus on visitors arriving by car and providing large parking areas with few considerations for pedestrians. The development typically only includes retail and restaurants. In comparison, walkable mixed use village centers combine retail, restaurants, office, and housing all together. A focus on pedestrian comfort and walkability is also typical of this type of development.

Auto-oriented shopping areas focus on visitors arriving by car and providing large parking areas with few considerations for pedestrians. The development typically only includes retail and restaurants. In comparison walkable mixed use village centers combine retail restaurants office and housing all together. A focus on pedestrian comfort and walkability is also typical of this type of development.
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Question title

Do you feel that the Wakefield area has a sense of arrival or a true gateway feature?

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Question title

Is there anything else about development in the area the project team should know about?

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Question title

Describe your ideal vision for the FUTURE of Wakefield in 6 words or less.

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Nature and sustainable community together
Reply17 Agree3 years ago
walkable neighberhood
Reply16 Agree3 years ago
No more apartments. Keep single family homes with golf and tennis.
Reply13 Agree3 years ago
Everything you want within walking distance.
Reply7 Agree3 years ago
preservation of natural areas
Reply7 Agree3 years ago

Question title

Is there anything else you would like to share with project team about the study area in general?

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