Question title

1. Have you ever reported a traffic or pedestrian concern to the Town of Holly Springs.

I do not remember
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2. If you answered Yes to question #1, please describe the problem and how the issue was handled.

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3. What Neighborhood traffic calming and safety issues are most important to you?

Please click on the choices below in order of importance. Your first choice will be your top priority. Once you choose options, you can always rearrange the order by dragging and dropping.

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Question title

4. On average, the town receives requests for Traffic Calming installations every year. Typical projects include, but are not limited to; crosswalks, sidewalk ramps, and signage installations. As these requests are received, they are prioritized according to the below considerations:

Please click on the choices below in order of importance. Your first choice will be your top priority. Once you choose options, you can always rearrange the order by dragging and dropping.

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* 5. Speed humps have not been recommended in Town over the past decade. However, prior to that, these devices were utilized on certain roadways in town. Speed humps are not recommended due to the following reasons:

• Slowed Response time to emergency vehicles- the average speed hump can add 20s-30s per round trip to an emergency trip.
• Increased wear and tear to vehicles- speed humps do accelerate the wear and tear on vehicles and the town has had increased repair costs due to speed humps
• Mixed response from residents- while you may want a speed hump to slow traffic, your neighbor might be opposed to them.
• Lack of effectiveness- studies have shown that motorists often speed to make up for time lost when crossing speed humps. This can result in a more dangerous situation.
• Decreases interconnectivity- the town encourages interconnectivity on all of its roadways. This interconnectivity provides more options for getting around town and reduces congestion at main intersections. Speed humps often dissuade motorists from utilizing these alternative routes and therefore strains highly utilized intersections.

I'm torn, I can understand some of the reasons for not wanting speed humps, but the benefits of using them is about equal to the costs.
I agree, the town should not support the use of speed humps for all of the reasons listed above.
I disagree, the town should support the use of speed humps at any cost. Increased congestion and decreased emergency response times are worth it.
Closed to responses | 74 Responses

Question title

6. When considering project cost versus the related benefit it would provide, projects can rank higher in priority if financial contributions is offered from the requesting party/neighborhood. The town is considering offering financial assistance to projects in locations where contributions from the requesting party are not available. I think...

The town should set aside a portion of its traffic calming budget every year to assist communities that are in need of financial assistance.
The town should not consider financial contributions when assigning a priority to requests.
The town should consider financial contributions when assigning a priority to requests and should not offer any assistance to communities unable to contribute. These projects will simply receive less of a priority.
Closed to responses | 71 Responses

Question title

7. Furthermore, communities that desire traffic calming measures can contribute funding to the project. This would free up funds to help the town improve neighborhood traffic safety in other areas. Should the town..

Accept funds for projects and this contribution when prioritizing the project
Accept funds for projects and do not consider this when prioritizing the project
Do not accept funds for projects
Closed to responses | 71 Responses

Question title

8. The town currently receives requests related to neighborhood traffic calming and pedestrian safety through in person requests at Town Hall, email, and phone calls. In the future how would you prefer to submit a request?

Please list the below communication methods in order of preference with 1 being preferred and 5 being the least preferred method to submit a request.

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9. Other comments

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