
The City of Hollywood selected the Moffatt & Nichol team to develop the Marina Master Plan for the Hollywood Marina (Project Study Area) located in Hollywood, Florida. The Project included planning, conceptual design, and public engagement to develop the master plan for a top-rated modern facility designed to accommodate current needs of the Marina and future needs of the boating industry.

Perspective rendering view of Hollywood Marina

Perspective rendering – Artistic representation of proposed project features.

Click the image to show an enlarged version for legibility.

This Master Plan is centered around the City’s primary goal of producing a program that provides a modern, safe, and secure marina facility, with year-round recreational opportunities and competitive dockage prices for locals and visiting boat owners.

The project team implemented a proven process to engage key stakeholders, users, and the community to facilitate the integration of the master plan into the surrounding neighborhood. Through technical expertise and public engagement, public safety, parking, traffic, lighting, landscaping, provisioning, fuel delivery, utilities, flooding, and other operational/programming constraints are addressed in this master plan.

The master plan utilized the proven process of understanding, exploring, and deciding through key stakeholder and public engagement to develop the right, balanced, resilient plan for the City. Through the planning process key issues, like marine infrastructure, power, parking, traffic, drainage, security, safety and others, were identified and addressed in this high-level planning effort. Additional opportunities of resiliency, revenue streams, operational and maintenance efficiency, and market alignment are recommended for implementation in this master plan. The master plan is aligned with the core project pillars, developed from the mission statement and project vision of:


Hollywood Marina perspective rendering - artistic representation of proposed project features

Perspective rendering – Artistic representation of proposed project features.

Click the image to show an enlarged version for legibility.

10-Year Implementation Timeline of the Hollywood Marina Master Plan

The marina master plan proposes a 10-year implementation timeline to complete the full build out of the waterfront and upland elements.

Currently, the plan utilizes the existing 55 wet slips, keeps 35 trailer parking slips, and adds 1 transient slip for the proposed upgrades to the fuel dock. It is recommended that the City continue to request additional slip leases from Broward County - Southern Zone. If slips are not able to be obtained from the County, it is recommended that the City consider converting some of the dry trailer parking “slips” to wet-slips. The additional slips and recommended build out will require maintenance dredging to ensure the safety standards are met for navigational requirements. The planning horizon will be dependent on grant funding timelines and slip lease availability from the County.

Slip configurations based on short, mid, and long-term investments.

Click the image to show an enlarged version for legibility.

Based on the slip availability, the master plan proposes to start with the existing 55 slip target as the base build out for the larger master plan of 77 slips. The layout is aligned with industry design standards and vessel navigation requirements outlined by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC). The expansion build-out is recommended as:

  • STEP 1 IMMEDIATE ACTIONS. Request additional slips from the Broward County, Review marketing strategy, pricing, and operations to align with Marine Market Study findings (inc. Apply for Grant Funding) and Improve Fuel Dock accessibility to generate revenue to help pay for the proposed master plan elements.
  • STEP 2 MARINA IMPROVEMENTS. Upgrade power to Dock A to ensure 100% marina capacity can be attained, and build out master plan docks, based on slip availability.
  • STEP 3 UPLAND IMPROVEMENTS. Based on grant funding timelines, implement upland infrastructure, Marina building, landscaping, and hardscape improvements.
  • FUTURE ACTIONS. Review trailer parking lot as slip availability and/or conversion options are discussed. Coordinate with City on existing utility capacity to refine plan options for potential increase in fuel storage.

Implementation of the Master Plan will take 5- to 10-years. Success relies on favorable market conditions, incremental investments by various sectors, and sustained community alignment and goodwill. Achievement of the aims and projects contained in the Master Plan are worthwhile and will result in an active waterfront that serves as another important engine driving recreational and social progress for the City and region.

Hollywood Marina Master Plan

Hollywood Marina Master Plan.

Click the image to show an enlarged version for legibility.

Latest Updates and Next Steps

If you were not able to participate, explore results of Public Engagement Period 1 and 2.  Each virtual meeting session was recorded and available for viewing at the links below. The base content and presentation were the same for each meeting; audience comments varied. An archive of all previous planning presentations, posters, survey results, and materials is also available below. Click the links below to watch the recorded sessions.

Public Engagement Period One  (Virtual Info Sessions 1 and 2 offer the same presentation):

  • Virtual Info Session 1 – October 13, 2021, from 6:00 – 7:30 PM
  • Virtual Info Session 2 – October 14, 2021, from 4:30 – 6:00 PM

Public Engagement Period Two (Virtual Info Sessions 1 and 2 offer the same presentation):

  • Virtual Info Session 1 – November 16, 2021, from 4:30 – 6:00 PM
  • Virtual Info Session 2 – November 17, 2021, from 6:00 – 7:30 PM

Have questions or comments you would like addressed by the City of Hollywood? Please contact City of Hollywood Assistant Director Parks and Recreation & Cultural Arts David Vazquez (


Overall Plan Making Calendar

This image shows the project schedule broken down into the various stages.

Hollywood Marina Master Plan Project Schedule.

Click the image to show an enlarged version for legibility.

Available Presentations and Downloads

Please find below links to master plan posters, presentations, and survey results.