I-26 Aesthetics Survey
I-26 Aesthetics Survey
The I-26 Connector project will improve the I-26 corridor through Asheville from I-40 to Broadway Street to current interstate standards. The project, which will move forward to the construction phase through a design-build process, is divided into four sections. The design-build let date for Sections B and D is June 2021, the design-build let date for Section A is June 2022, and the design-build let date for Section C is June 2025.
City Council established the Aesthetics Committee on April 24, 2018 and the initial committee members were approved on July 24, 2018. This committee has been meeting regularly with the NCDOT, the NCDOT’s design team, and City staff since October 2018. The purpose of the committee is to make recommendations for aesthetic treatments for all aspects of the project including but not limited to shoulders, medians, bridges, retaining walls, signing, and lighting.
Link to powerpoint
Link to NCDOT I-26 Connector Page Resources
Thank you for taking the time to answer the following questions from the I-26 Connector Asthetics Committee. Your answers will help inform City Council’s recommendation for aesthetic improvements to the I-26 Connector.