Outdoor Dining and Retail during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Survey
Outdoor Dining and Retail during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Survey
At the start of the public health emergency triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, in an effort to provide support to local businesses, OP, District Department of Transportation (DDOT), and Department of Health (DOH) issued temporary guidelines allowing businesses to expand into public space - typically defined as the publicly owned area between private property lines, in this case the sidewalk and the roadway. This program allowed these spaces to be utilized by restaurants for outdoor dining, and by retailers for curbside pickup and delivery for the duration of the public health emergency.
To view thePDF file click here:Outdoor Business Expansion Map
Types of expansions include:
Sidewalk - immediately in front of the restaurant and adjacent space with consent from the adjacent ground-floor business or property owner
Parking Space/Parklet - immediately in front of the restaurant and adjacent spaces with consent from the adjacent ground-floor business or property owner
Streatery - an entire block face of parking or travel lane(s)
Dining Plaza - portions of an alley or other public space