2035 Wake Transit Plan Update
2035 Wake Transit Plan Update
The process to update the Wake Transit Plan - our investment strategy to improve and expand Wake County's transit network - is underway. Community participation is a critical component of the development process. With an estimated $700 million to $1 billion in new revenue being forecasted for the 10-year period between FY2026-2035, it's important that planning staff understand the community's transit needs and priorities. The Wake Transit Plan Update will reassess the transit investment priorities associated with the Plan's "Four Big Moves" established in 2016 when the Plan was first adopted.
There are five (5) planned engagement phases to support the Wake Transit Plan Update project to ensure everyone will have the opportunity for ongoing and active involvement. Click the buttons below to visit the project webpage, to share your thoughts and ideas, to sign up for Wake Transit Plan updates, view materials, and learn more about the Wake Transit Program.
The Four Big Moves of the Wake Transit Plan