Kettering 2021 CHIP Application Public Meetings & Consolidated Plan Meetings
Kettering 2021 CHIP Application Public Meetings & Consolidated Plan Meetings
The City of Kettering is preparing an application for the Consolidation Housing Improvement Program for the State of Ohio as well as a 5-year Consolidated Plan. The City of Kettering is gathering feedback from residents, researching local data, reports, and more to gather the information and prepare programs and plans.
At the first meeting, held in February 2021, we discussed the need for a 5-year consolidated plan, the work of the community development department in the recent past and how we intended to go about conducting future public meetings.
At the 2nd meeting on May 21st, 2021, we will discuss survey results to date, research to date, housing and local census data, and CHIP programs and plans.
This will allow residents to comment on the intent to apply for funding, program design, and future plans for community development programs over the next 5 years.
At the 3rd meeting, scheduled for June 4th, 2021, a final draft of the CHIP plan will be available and we will continue taking comments for a period of time following that meeting.
By July 10, 2021 there will be a final meeting to review the Consolidated Plan and 2021 CDBG Annual Action Plan.
And don't forget to go to www to tell us about how to make Kettering a great place to LIVE, WORK, and PLAY in every neighborhood and for every resident!
2021 -2025 Consolidated Plan 2nd Public Meeting & 1st CHIP Application Planning Meeting
The 2nd Public Meeting for the 2021-2025 Consolidated Plan and the 1st Public Meeting for the 2021 Application for the Planning for CHIP (HOME ) program application to the State of Ohio. The public is invited to attend either virtually through this platform or to register here and request to receive an in-person seat reservation. Due to COVID 19 Pandemic, all persons entering the City building are required to wear masks and priority for in-person seat reservations will be given to persons requesting accommodations that can not be met through the virtual platform (though many can). Any questions about this can be directed to Andria Perkins at 937-296-3308.
- Agenda
- Files 3
- Transcript
- HOME and CDBG Guidebook.pdf
- Creating-a-Con-Plan-for-State-and-Entitlements (1).pdf
- Resident helpful info.docx
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