Policy for Neighborhood Registry
Policy for Neighborhood Registry
About Neighborhood Registration
The Neighborhood & Housing Services Department (NHSD) maintains a listing of Neighborhood Associations, Homeowners Associations (HOAs), and Community Organizations called the Neighborhood Association Registry.
The Neighborhood Association Registry was established by Chapter 35-408 of the Unified Development Code as a communication tool for notification of zoning cases, neighborhood plans, community plans, and perimeter plans. The Registry is utilized by other City department, external partners, and developers who use the Neighborhood Association Registry to identify the neighborhood associations about development projects, capital projects, and other improvements/initiatives in their area.
Registration Policy
NHSD sought community input regarding preferred communication types, training, and resources needed by Neighborhood Associations and HOAs. The current policy was last updated in 2011, and outlines requirements and procedures for registration, updates, and removal. The results received from the survey will inform our process of improving how you receive information from the City. The survey results will be presented at a future virtual Community Conversations Input Session in early 2021.
Link to learn more: https://www.sanantonio.gov/NHSD/Neighborhoods/neighborhoodassociations
Currently in Stage 2: Under Review
Community Engagement
We gathered your feedback from December 18, 2020 to January 4, 2021. Thank you for taking the time to make sure your voice is heard for your city!