Empower the case manager and ensure consistency in case manager assignments

Initiative Statement

The City of Austin will begin growing the dedicated case manager program to cultivate a culture of consistent, action-oriented case management focused on improving the applicant experience and will pilot the expansion by January 2024. 

Initiative Complete

Milestone ChecklistStatus
Secure approval for staffing and begin recruitment.box checked with green check mark
Develop scope for roles and responsibilities.box checked with green check mark
Hire and begin training program.box checked with green check mark
Develop a protocol for case manager empowerment, including a scope for discretionary authority.box checked with green check mark
Solicit internal and external stakeholder feedback.box checked with green check mark
Develop a standard operating procedure.box checked with green check mark
Implement new case manager model.box checked with green check mark


Impact Statement

This initiative will support a proactive and uniform case management approach that prioritizes efficiency and customer service.


Estimated Completion Date

January 2024


Initiative Owner

Viktor Auzenne


Initiative Team Member Departments

Austin Energy
Austin Fire
Austin Water
Development Services
Parks and Recreation
Transportation & Public Works
Watershed Protection

Question title

We encourage you to submit feedback and ask questions on these pages, and we will add more information as the initiatives progress.