
This project is designed to reduce flooding across S. Mobley Road, capture stormwater runoff, and provide water quality treatment for runoff that flows into Lake Maurine.

Drainage improvements 

  • Construction of a new stormwater treatment pond south of S. Mobley Road
  • Installation of new stormwater cross drain under S. Mobley Road to replace an existing pipe that is at risk of failing
  • Replacement of existing drainage inlets and outfalls

Roadway and pavement improvements  

  • Localized pavement resurfacing centered around drainage pipe crossings


Construction activities may have direct and/or indirect impacts to the community along White Heron Boulevard. These anticipated community impacts are summarized in the table below.


Quick Facts


(CIP# 46139045/46145020/46189020)


Location: Odessa

Project Type: Drainage Improvements

Current Project Phase: Construction

Project Objectives

  • Alleviate major throughway street flooding
  • Provide water quality treatment
  • Reduce discharge to Lake Maurine


Estimated Project Schedule

  • Project Development (Planning) Completion – Mid-2020 
  • Design Completion – Mid-2023
  • Procurement Completion – Late 2023
  • Construction Completion – Late 2024


Project Cost Estimate

  • Construction Cost: $350,000
  • Planning: $49,182
  • Design:  $131,510


Funding sources may include: Stormwater Fee

Note: The cost and schedule data shown here are the County's current best estimates and are subject to change. Changes (if any) are updated once a month.

Contact Info

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Closed for Comments
Cherie Erbrickplease make every effort to minimize road closures during school drop off and pickup times. I believe the following are the times for the bus routes on South Mobley: Elementary school bus times start at 6:40, Smith Middle is around 9 AM, and Walker Middle and Sickles high schoo...See More
ReplyAgreeone year ago
As lakefront property owners, our primary concerns regarding this project are protecting the health & water quality of Lake Maurine from any negative effects of the drainage. County needs to explain how any lake impacts from pollution from will be addressed? How is the discha...See More
ReplyAgreeone year ago

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Open House

6:30 p.m.

 Thursday, March 21, 2024

Keystone Recreation Center, 17928 Gunn Hwy., Odessa, FL 33556