Welcome to the public engagement opportunity for the Gibsonton Drive at Fern Hill Drive Intersection Improvement project (CIP #:  69600311). This virtual public engagement will be open to visitors from Monday, Nov. 6, to Sunday, Nov. 19, 2023.


The Gibsonton Drive at Fern Hill Drive Intersection Improvement project will replace the existing temporary signal with a permanent signal. In addition, the project will provide infrastructure enhancements that include improved and additional turn lanes on the south leg of the intersection. Three left-turn lanes, one through lane, and one right-turn lane will be added. Sidewalk gaps along Fern Hill Drive will be completed to provide sidewalk connectivity, and crosswalks will be added at the intersection to enhance pedestrian safety and access in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

The purpose of this virtual public engagement is to receive input from the public about the County’s recommended improvements.

Recommended Improvements

This project will improve safety for drivers and pedestrians at the intersection of Gibsonton Drive at Fern Hill Drive by:

  • Improving transportation mobility and safety for vehicles and pedestrians
  • Replacing the existing temporary signal with a permanent signal
  • Adding additional turn lanes on the south leg of the intersection
  • Completing sidewalk gaps along Fern Hill Drive to improve connectivity
  • Providing pedestrian crosswalks at the intersection

To ensure public safety during construction, there will be two potential non-consecutive road closures on Fern Hill Drive near Gibsonton Drive. Road closures would be a maximum of 25 days and a maximum of 12 days. The detour route is noted here. The closures will allow for continued access for all businesses and residents along the impacted area, as well as continued access by emergency vehicles, postal service, and delivery services.




Quick Facts


Gibsonton Drive at Fern Hill Drive Intersection Improvements

(CIP# 69600311)


Location: Riverview

Project Type: Intersection Improvements

Current Project Phase: Construction


Project Objectives:

Improve transportation mobility and safety for vehicles and pedestrians.

Upgrade existing transportation facilities, including retrofitting for Americans with Disability Act (ADA) compliance to provide services that improve access for all users.


Estimated Project Schedule:

Project Development (Planning) Completion - Early 2020 

Design/Land Acquisition Completion – Mid-2022

Procurement Completion - Late 2023

Construction Completion – Mid-2025


Project Cost Estimate:

Total:  $9,368,161

Planning:  $174,583

Design and Land:  $1,040,019

Construction:  $8,153,559 


Funding sources may include: Community Investment Tax, Developer Contributions, Grants, Impact Fees, Prop Share, Ad Valorem, and Utility fees 

Note: The cost and schedule data shown here are the County's current best estimates and are subject to change. Changes (if any) are updated once a month.



Question title

Are you in favor of the proposed project?

Yes, I am in favor of the project
I am not sure
No, I am not in favor of the project
Closed to responses | 65 Responses

Question title

We value your input about this project. Can you please provide detail on why you answered Yes, No, or Neutral to the previous question?

Closed for Comments

Contact information

Question title

Please select the statement that most closely describes your relationship to this project (select one):

I am a property owner within or adjacent to the defined service area
I am an interested resident or business owner located outside of the immediate service area
I am a commuter/visitor who passes through the service area
None of the above
Closed to responses | 29 Responses

Question title

Please indicate below how close you live to the proposed project site?

0-5 miles
0 -200 yards
15 – 20 miles
10 – 15 miles
Closed to responses | 30 Responses

Question title

Please provide your zip code.

Question title

How did you hear about this project?

Neighborhood Sign
Friend / Neighbor
Comment Card
Social Media
TV / Print / Radio
HOA / Community Newsletter
Closed to responses | 28 Responses

Question title

The contact information below is optional. Complete the fields below if you would like to participate in future engagement opportunities to share your input on key topics.
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