Hanover County operates a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) through a collection of drainage infrastructure that includes pipes, ditches, and stormwater management facilities in accordance with state and federal rules and the Virginia MS4 General Permit administered by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. In accordance with the Permit terms, Hanover County has developed and continues to implement a Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Action Plan.

The Chesapeake Bay TMDL is a “pollution diet” for which the County identifies and installs new & retrofitted stormwater management projects and practices designed to reduce excess nutrients from stormwater runoff (including nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment) to improve overall water quality in local tributaries and waterways within the larger Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Hanover County must fully implement its Third Phase Chesapeake Bay TMDL Action Plan by November 1, 2028, to achieve nutrient reduction goals from stormwater runoff that discharges from lands within the County that are designated urbanized areas according to the 2000 and 2010 US Census. 

Hanover County is seeking comments on the draft plan from interested community members and stakeholders through Wednesday, October 23. A summary of comments received, their responses, and any revisions will be incorporated into the final Third Phase Chesapeake Bay TMDL Action Plan. Written comments may also be submitted to the Dept. of Public Works, P.O. Box 470, Hanover, Virginia 23069.

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Please share your feedback on Hanover County's Chesapeake Bay Action Plan.

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We do not share your personal information with outside organizations and will only use it to inform you of any projects or initiatives that might be of interest to you.

Have more to share?

To leave a voicemail comment call 855-925-2801 Project code: 10744

Email chesapeakebay@publicinput.com