Project Identification

Dandridge Drive between Bunche Drive and Cross Link Road has been identified on the 2016 BikeRaleigh Plan's Ten Year Priority list for implementation of a neighborhood bikeway. 

Dandridge Drive is a key connection between existing bike lanes on Cross Link Road, the proposed two-way cycle track on S. State Street, and a proposed neighborhood bikeway on Hadley Street.


Engagement and Design

The 2016 BikeRaleigh Plan reccomends bike lanes for this street. Due to existing street characteristics, enhancements are proposed along Dandridge Drive to create a safer space for cyclists and vehicular traffic to share the road. 

The proposed design includes pavement markings to indicate a shared space for vehicles and bikeway traffic, and all-way stop at the intersection of Dandridge Drive and Bunche Drive, and signage to desiginate Dandridge Drive as a neighborhood bikeway. 

Construction Outreach

A notice of the construction timeline and project impacts will be sent to resident of the street and surrounding neighborhood. This project was adopted in the 2016 BikeRaleigh plan and will be delivered through the City's Bicycle and Pedestrian Program.