City of Sault Ste. Marie: Parks and Recreation Master Plan
City of Sault Ste. Marie: Parks and Recreation Master Plan
The City of Sault Ste. Marie understands the importance of parks, open spaces, trails, recreation programs & events, and facilities for its community members. The City is working with thinc design, Mehak, Kelly & Associates, Oraclepoll Research Ltd., and RFA Planning Consultants to develop a Parks and Recreation Master Plan and Parkland Dedication By-law.
Community consultation took place in Fall 2023 with a series of open house events, public and stakeholder surveys, interviews, and online engagement. Your input has been incorporated into a draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan. As of March 25th, 2024, this plan is available for public viewing and comment.
Please read and provide input on Sault Ste. Marie's Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan
The City is encouraging residents to share their views on the draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Your input is a critical part of this process. A revised version of this draft Plan will be presented to Council in Spring 2024.
Download and read the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Summary (9mb)
Or, download and read the entire Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan (49.8mb)
Have questions regarding the project? Get in touch with a member of the consultaton team under “Who’s Listening?”.
Project Timeline
Who's Listening?
Leandra Correale Ferguson, Project Lead, thinc design
Hayley So, thinc design
Brent Lamming, City of Sault Ste. Marie