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What is the zip code where you live?

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Below is a list of services provided by the City of Asheville. Which do you think the City should prioritize for additional investments and which should the City consider investing in less? Investment could be staff or financial resources.

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Of the services you ranked 4 or 5 above, which are the three most important for the City of address in the Fiscal Year 24 budget?

Community safety and emergency response
Public information and community engagement
Facilities maintenance (including buildings, parks, etc.)
Water production and distribution system
Affordable housing and homelessness
Trash and recycling collection
Stormwater drainage system
Sidewalk maintenance and construction
Roadway maintenance and construction
Business support
Code enforcement and urban planning
Recreation programming
City management and administration
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Thinking about your neighborhood or the areas of Asheville that you frequently visit, what types of physical infrastructure should the City prioritize in the next 5 years?

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Of the items you ranked as 3 above, which two are the most important for the City to address in the next five years?

Ball courts (tennis, pickleball, basketball, etc.)
Ball fields (baseball, soccer, etc.)
Other outdoor park facilities (greenspace, community gardens, etc.)
Community centers (new or major renovations)
Pools or splashpads
Public safety facilities (Fire stations, Police Stations, etc.)
Housing (incentives for affordable housing projects, loans to developers/homeowners, etc.)
Roadways (streets, bridges, etc.)
Sidewalks (including crosswalks, curb cuts, pedestrian signals, etc.)
Traffic calming (speed humps/cushions, roundabouts, medians, etc.)
Bike lanes
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Question title

The City has committed to reducing carbon and prioritizing energy efficiency when making investments in City infrastructure. Often, more energy efficient or greener infrastructure is much more costly. In your opinion, when there is a conflict between cost and sustainability, how would you like the City to prioritize between them?

Spend additional resources to meet the City's climate goals, even if it means being able to complete far fewer projects. For example, when a natural gas heating system at a fire station fails look at the overall condition of the facility and retrofit it with feasible improvements that may include energy efficient upgrades of heating system and building envelope, onsite renewable energy and backup storage to reduce carbon footprint, even if it requires shifting funding from other priorities and delaying other projects.
Work to include sustainability/green investments where possible, while also controlling costs of each project. For example, when a natural gas heating system fails at a fire station, replace it with the most energy efficient heating system within the available budget.
Focus on completing the most projects to benefit the most residents, regardless of sustainability goals. For example, when a natural gas heating system at a fire station fails, repair/replace equipment in the most cost effective way, regardless of energy efficiency.
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Please provide any comments about the questions above, or other feedback about the FY24 budget.

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