Automate fee calculation and posting

Initiative Statement

An automated fee calculation and posting system will developed by July 2024, enabling transparency, simplification, and budget planning capability for customers while aligning the City with other municipalities through a user-friendly fee calculator.

Initiative beginning in progress

Milestone ChecklistStatus
Identify baseline requirements for a fee calculation and posting system.unchecked box
Develop estimated resource requirements (funding needs).unchecked box
Procure external software development services for creation of the calculator and posting system.unchecked box
Develop a prototype.unchecked box
Solicit internal and external feedback.unchecked box
Develop final recommendations based on input. unchecked box
Development technology-based testing protocol. unchecked box
Conduct user acceptance testing.unchecked box
Educate internal and external stakeholders.unchecked box
Launch toolunchecked box


Impact Statement

Creating a user-friendly fee calculator to estimate development fees will increase the transparency of development related costs and ensure applicants are informed of the potential fees associated with projects requiring a site plan.


Estimated Completion Date

July 2024


Initiative Owner

Eric Ugalde


Initiative Team Member Departments

Austin Fire
Austin Water
​Communications & Technology Management
Development Services
Parks and Recreation
Transportation & Public Works
Watershed Protection

Question title

We encourage you to submit feedback and ask questions on these pages, and we will add more information as the initiatives progress.