Question title

On a scale of 0 to 5, how would you describe your level of awareness regarding the impact of overbrowsing on deer health and Arlington's ecosystem prior to watching the video above? (0 being no awareness at all and 5 being very aware)

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Question title

On a scale of 0 to 5, how would you describe your level of concern regarding the regarding the impact of overbrowsing on deer health and Arlington's ecosystem? (0 being no concern at all and 5 being very concerned)

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Question title

What is your level of support regarding the recommendation for Arlington to develop a deer management implementation strategy for Arlington County Parks?

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Question title

Age Range

19 and Under
20 to 29
30 to 39
40 to 49
50 to 59
60 to 69
70 and Above
Closed to responses