Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) is leading a major planning project to increase environmental sustainability in our region, thanks to a $1 million Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Our goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make the Baltimore region stronger and more sustainable for future generations.

We are dedicated to making sure everyone – from local officials to community groups and residents – has a say in our plans. 

What have we done so far? 

Priority Climate Action Plan

Our first major achievement was the completion of the Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) for the Baltimore region. This plan identifies the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions and lists the most effective actions to reduce them.

The PCAP focuses on delivering immediate benefits, particularly to historically disadvantaged communities. It also provides a pathway for securing more funding to sustain and expand our efforts.

What’s next?

Comprehensive Climate Action Plan

We are now developing the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP), which will be finalized by June 2025. The CCAP will build on the PCAP's foundation, offering a detailed strategy for further reducing our region’s greenhouse gas emissions. We are also engaging with community members to ensure that the CCAP is inclusive and reflects the needs and values of the region’s residents.

We want to hear from you! Take our survey on the next tab or click on the Share Your Thoughts tab to see other ways to get involved. 

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If you need help participating, please leave us a voicemail at 855-925-2801 x 10427 or email us at 

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Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) Released

March 2024

The Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) lays the groundwork for comprehensive climate action across the Baltimore region.

Discovery Phase for the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP)

May to July 2024

During the discovery phase we are working on data collection for the updated and expanded regional emissions’ inventory.

Listening Phase

September 2024 to March 2025

The listening phase includes the following:

  • Launch of the social media campaign
  • Release of the PCAP recorded webinar, which provides a comprehensive overview of the plan 
  • Release of the public feedback survey 
  • Community events

Take the survey on the Take Our Survey tab and visit the Share Your Thoughts tab to find out other ways to get involved or learn more. 

Development Phase

March 2025 to June 2025
Feedback from the public will be used to inform and refine the draft CCAP, including the climate change impacts felt and observed by you, the region’s residents, and the mitigation and adaptation strategies proposed in the plan. There will be a regional virtual event to present the draft Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP) and collect comments in Spring 2025.

Release of the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP)

June 2025

The final CCAP will be completed and published online. A recorded webinar will also be offered to present an overview of the plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) is a program funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to support regions across the United States in developing and implementing strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The grant was made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act, which aims to address climate change at the local and regional levels.


The Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) is the initial plan developed for the Baltimore region. It identifies key sources of greenhouse gas emissions and outlines priority measures that can be implemented quickly to start reducing these emissions. The PCAP is designed to focus on high-impact actions that also benefit low-income and disadvantaged communities.

The Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP) will build on the groundwork laid by the PCAP to provide a more detailed and expansive approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the Baltimore region. It will include a broader inventory of emissions, a wider range of reduction measures, and detailed strategies to support the successful implementation of the CCAP over the longer term.

The CCAP is scheduled to be completed by June 2025. Before its completion, there will be multiple opportunities for public engagement and feedback to ensure the plan reflects community needs and perspectives.

The public is encouraged to participate through a survey, community events, and by providing comments on the draft plan. Information about upcoming events and how to participate will be posted on the BMC website, this webpage, and through social media channels. 

These plans aim to reduce pollution, which in turn will help lessen climate change impacts in the Baltimore region such as increased temperatures, more intense storms, flooding, and sea level rise. The plans are also designed to improve public health, enhance air quality, and provide economic benefits through the creation of green jobs.

Yes, regular updates will be provided throughout the development of the CCAP. These updates will be available on this webpage.

Be sure to join out mailing list to get updates via text or email. 

The project is funded by a $1 million grant from the EPA, which covers the planning and development of the PCAP and CCAP.

Once the CCAP is finalized, our focus will shift towards implementing the strategies in the plan. This will include the implementation of proposed actions by the counties and local governments in the Baltimore region.