Transportation CORE Application
Transportation CORE Application
The Baltimore Regional Transportation Board’s (BRTB)'s Transportation CORE is an online group where people from the area can discuss transportation, planning, and community involvement.
Key goals of the Transportation CORE are:
To provide opportunities for various interested parties to have input on how BRTB approaches project planning, prioritization of projects and initiatives, and public involvement.
To expand our reach beyond BRTB committees and long-time partners to make sure that rural, suburban and urban communities, as well as business interests from across the Baltimore region are represented.
New members are welcome to join this unique public participation experience. Applications are now being accepted on a rolling basis. Fill out the application below to apply today!
To ensure we are reaching a diverse audience, please tell us a little about yourself.
In an effort to ensure that we represent the community at large, please list the following as they apply to you.
Please note, Your responses help us understand who we're hearing from and ensure we reach a broad, representative set of voices. All responses are private and are used only to help us improve our outreach and understanding.
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