Combined logo City of San Diego and Join the Conversation for a Cleaner, Greener San Diego


This brief questionnaire will help the City of San Diego better understand your needs and views about trash, recycling and organic waste collection services in the City. Your replies will help inform the City’s Cost-of-Service Study for a recommendation to the City Council regarding solid waste recycling and related fees that could be adopted under Measure B, which was passed by voters in 2022.

Answering these questions should take most people less than 10 minutes. Please be assured that your participation is anonymous and will not be attributed to you directly.

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* What zip code do you live in?

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* What type of residence do you live in?

Select a response

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* Do you own or rent the place where you currently live?

Select a response

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We'd like to hear about your experience with trash and recycling collection. Please tell us how satisfied you are with the following services.

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How often would you prefer to have your trash and recycling picked up?

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By collection day, how would you describe your bins?

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What else would you like to tell us about your experience with the trash and recycling collection services in the City of San Diego?

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We would like to hear about your other waste disposal needs. For each item below, please tell us how often you might need to dispose of it.

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Please select the option you would prefer most for each item.

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* Did you know that residents can schedule an appointment to drop off Household Hazardous Waste items like paints, oils, and batteries, free-of-charge, at the City's facility at Miramar Landfill?

Select a response

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When is it most convenient for you to drop off household hazardous waste items (paints, lightbulbs, batteries, etc.) ?

Select a response

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Is there anything about trash and collection recycling services that you think would improve the experience of residents?

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* Are you aware of Measure B and that it passed in 2022 to allow the City to consider fees and service feature changes for trash collection services to single-family homes and multi-family properties with one to four units per lot?

Select a response

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* What is your neighborhood called? (ex. Barrio Logan, Ocean Beach)

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* How many people live in your home? This includes family members, roommates and lodgers.

Select a response