Coastal Crab and Puget Sound Shellfish Updates rule making
View the CR-102 Rule Proposal and WAC Text
The proposed changes to regulations include both non-administrative and administrative amendments. Each of the amended rules and their specific changes are listed below:
OTS-4646.1 amends the following WACs:
WAC 220-320-120 Puget Sound Crustacean (crab and shimp) Special Management Areas.
WAC 220-320-140 Commercial shrimp geographical management units
OTS-4781.1 amends the following WACs:
Page 1: WAC 220-340-030 Shellfish harvest logs
Page 5: WAC 220-340-455 Commercial crab fishery--Seasons and areas--Puget Sound
Page 5: WAC 220-340-530 Commercial shrimp trawl fishery--Puget Sound
OTS-4782.2 amends the following WACs:
Page 1: WAC 220-340-420 Commercial crab fishery--Unlawful acts
Page 6: WAC 220-340-430 Commercial crab fishery Gear requirements
Page 8: WAC 220-340-460 Commercial crab fishery--Coastal Dungeness crab logbook requirements
Page 9: WAC 220-340-510 Commercial ocean spot shimp pot fishery--Coastal waters.
OTS-4780.2 amends the following WACs:
Page 1: WAC 220-352-060 Completion, submissoin, distribution, and retention of copies of nontreaty fish receiving tickets
Page 2: WAC 220-352-230 Commercial fish and shellfish transportation ticket
Page 3: WAC 220-352-340 Puget Sound crab--Additional reporting requirements