Help Set Community Priorities
Help Set Community Priorities
Chula Vista is seeking community input to help guide how we invest federal grant funds to assist low-income persons and neighborhoods.
Over the next five years, the City of Chula Vista will be investing grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in infrastructure (i.e., streets and sidewalks), public facilities (i.e., recreation centers), affordable housing development, economic development, and public services (i.e., food banks, senior programs, childcare). These federal HUD funds are intended to assist low-income persons and neighborhoods in our City. By taking this survey, your voice will guide our federal HUD funding investments and help enhance a healthy, safe, and thriving community in Chula Vista!
This survey will help guide the development of our Consolidated Plan, a requirement for cities to receive federal funding for housing and community development. The plan outlines Chula Vista’s priorities for allocating federal entitlement grants from HUD, including the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG). It is expected City Council will take action to adopt the Consolidated Plan in Spring 2025.
The City of Chula Vista is committed to fostering meaningful public engagement throughout the Consolidated Plan development process. We particularly encourage input from low- and moderate-income residents and from those living in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.
Survey will be open until February 28, 2025.
This survey is available in English but can also be translated into other languages. To translate the survey, simply click the "Translate" button located near the image banner and select your preferred language.
* All survey responses are anonymous, and no effort will be made to identify respondents.
The following questions ask you to rate the priority of various needs in various categories. Please rate each based on the following definitions:
- No Such Need: no community need exists.
- Low: the current priority level is low and not of great concern.
- Medium: the current priority need level is moderate.
- High: the current priority need level is high and of great concern.