Question title

* Do you have pets?

Closed to responses

Question title

* Are your pets spayed or neutered?

Yes, all of them are spayed or neutered
Some of my pets are spayed or neutered
None of my pets are spayed or neutered
I do not have any pets
Closed to responses

Question title

* Are your pets microchipped?

Yes, all my pets are microchipped
Some of my pets are microchipped
None of my pets are microchipped
I do not have pets
Closed to responses

Question title

* How would you rate the overall level of pet care in our community?

Very dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
Closed to responses

Question title

If you are dissatisfied, what would improve pet care in your neighborhood?

Closed for Comments

Responsibility and Accountability

Question title

* Do you feel safe walking with/without your pet in your neighborhood without fear of encountering threatening behavior from other pets?

I do not feel safe
I feel somewhat safe
I feel very safe
Closed to responses

Question title

If you do not feel safe walking your pet in your neighborhood, please tell us why.

Closed for Comments

Pet Care Practices

Question title

* Do you believe it should be mandatory to spay or neuter pets?

Closed to responses

Question title

* What programs would you like to see to help promote responsible pet care?

Closed for Comments

Question title

* What else should be included in creating a Pet Standard of Care for San Antonio?

Access to affordable veterinary care
Access to pet training
Nutrition classes
Access to low-cost pet food
Pet care classes
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Question title

Is there anything else you would like to share regarding pet care?

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Optional Questions: The next set of optional questions will help us improve our outreach efforts across the City. The information you share helps us better understand how your lived experiences contribute to your experience and perceptions in this survey. Your responses will remain anonymous.

Question title

* Do you live in San Antonio?

Closed to responses

Question title

City Council District: / Distritos del Consejo de la Ciudad:

District 1/ Distrito 1
District 2/ Distrito 2
District 3/ Distrito 3
District 4/ Distrito 4
District 5/ Distrito 5
District 6/ Distrito 6 
District 7/ Distrito 7
District 8/ Distrito 8
District 9/ Distrito 9
District 10/ Distrito 10
I'm not sure but this is my address: / No estoy seguro, pero esta es mi dirección:
I prefer not to answer/ Prefiero no responder
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your race/ethnicity?

American Indian or Alaska Native/ Indio Americano o Nativo de Alaska
Asian or Asian American/ Asiático o Asiático Americano
Black or African American/ Negro o Afroamericano
Hispanic or Latino/a/x/ Hispano o Latino/a/x
Middle Eastern or North African/ De Oriente Medio o África del Norte
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander/ Nativo de Hawái u Otra Isla del Pacífico
White/ Blanco
Prefer to self-describe:/ Prefiero autodescribirme:
I prefer not to answer/ Prefiero no responder
Closed to responses

Question title

Living with a disability or other chronic medical condition: / Vivo con una discapacidad u otra condición médica crónica:

I prefer not to answer/ Prefiero no responder
Closed to responses

Question title

If yes, please describe your disability or chronic medical condition: (select all that apply) / En caso afirmativo, por favor, describa su discapacidad o condición médica crónica: (seleccione todo lo que corresponda)

Blind, visually impaired or have low vision/ Ciego, con discapacidad visual o poca visión
Deaf or hard of hearing/ Sordo o con problemas auditivos
Physical or mobility related disability/ Discapacidad física o relacionada con la movilidad
Intellectual or developmental disability/ Discapacidad intelectual o del desarrollo
Mental health condition/ Condición de salud mental
Chronic medical condition/ Condición médica crónica
Prefer to self-describe:/ Prefiero autodescribir:
Closed to responses

Question title

Name / Nombre

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Question title

Email / Correo Electrónico

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Question title

Phone Number / Número de Teléfono

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