
The proposed code amendment would replace the 45-foot maximum building height in Section 25-2-643(C)(1) with a 140-foot maximum height for the 500 and 600 blocks of East Sixth Street only and establish design standards allowing additional height for these blocks, notwithstanding the Citywide Historic Design Standards.

Review and Adoption Timeline

  • Historic Landmark Commission, June 7th, 2023
    • Click to view the staff report and the meeting recording.
    • Motioned by Commission Koch, seconded by Commissioner Evans, unanimous approval of staff recommendation as amended to include the following additional conditions:
      • Retention of at least the first 15 feet of contributing buildings’ façades is required.
      • A Certificate of Appropriateness is required for new construction and changes to contributing buildings.
      • Consider feasibility of tax caps to avoid displacement of Austin’s legacy businesses.
  • Planning Commission, July 11th, 2023
  • City Council, July 20th, 2023


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