Old Milburnie Assemblage (Z-12-24)
Old Milburnie Assemblage (Z-12-24)
Z-12-24: Old Milburnie Assemblage
This request would allow residential uses in single-unit detached houses; two-unit attached houses and multi-unit townhomes. Compared to the existing Wake County zoning, it would allow for more dwelling units and a greater variety of building types. Proposed conditions require 30% of the site to be designated as Open Space; make a $50,000 contribution to the City of Raleigh’s Fire Department to help fund a new fire station and/or fire equipment to serve the surrounding community; provide one private amenity parcel (which will be a minimum of 20,00 square feet and include a pool and a cabana or clubhouse) and two private pocket parks (each a minimum of 10,000 square feet); and dedicate a 75’ wide Greenway easement and construct a connection from the easement to the internal pedestrian network.
- Existing Zoning: R-30(WC)
- The existing zoning is Wake County Residential-30. See UDO Section 2.1 for more details on Residential Districts.
- Proposed Zoning: R-6-CU
- The proposed zoning is Residential-6 with zoning conditions (R-6-CU). See UDO Section 2.1 for more details on Residential Districts. Proposed Conditions can be found here.
- Applicant: Collier Marsh (Parker Poe)
- Case Planner: Bronwyn Redus, Bronwyn.Redus@raleighnc.gov, 919-996-2183