Question title

Below is a list of services provided by the City of Asheville. Which do you think the City should prioritize for additional investments and which should the City consider investing in less? Investment could be staff or financial resources.

21 responses

Question title

Of the services you ranked 4 or 5 above, which are the three most important for the City of address in the FY 2024-25 Budget?

Community safety and emergency response
Public information and community engagement
Facilities maintenance (including buildings, parks, etc.)
Water production and distribution system
Affordable housing and homelessness
Trash and recycling collection
Stormwater drainage system
Sidewalk maintenance and construction
Roadway maintenance and construction
Business support
Code enforcement and urban planning
Recreation programming
City management and administration
Closed to responses

Question title

In the FY 2023-24 Budget Survey, respondents wanted additional investments in Community Safety and Emergency Response. Please rank the following potential investments.

Staffing that provides a trauma informed response to descalate and resolve crises and address quality of life concerns
Avg. Rank: 1.83
Additional staffing on weekends to reduce litter and trash in public areas
Avg. Rank: 2.56
Enhance security for downtown public restrooms to ensure they are safe and accessible for use
Avg. Rank: 2.61
Technology including license plate readers, cameras, and gunshot detectors to enhance police response times
Avg. Rank: 2.95
Closed to responses | 714 Responses

Question title

In the FY 2023-24 Budget survey, respondents wanted additional investments in Water Production. The City understands that water rates impact users significantly. In your opinion, when considering a rate increase would you prefer:

A smaller increase to maintain current levels of service only
A larger increase to minimize the frequency and duration of service disruptions
Closed to responses | 1,093 Responses

Question title

Thinking about your neighborhood or the areas of Asheville that you frequently visit, what types of physical infrastructure should the City prioritize in the next five years?

21 responses

Question title

Of the items you ranked as a high priority for the next five years in the previous question, which two are the most important for the City to address in the next five years?

Ball courts (tennis, pickleball, basketball, etc.)
Ball fields (baseball, soccer, etc.)
Other outdoor park facilities (greenspace, community gardens, etc.)
Community centers (new or major renovations)
Pools or splashpads
Public safety facilities (Fire stations, Police Stations, etc.)
Housing (incentives for affordable housing projects, loans to developers/homeowners, etc.)
Roadways (streets, bridges, etc.)
Sidewalks (including crosswalks, curb cuts, pedestrian signals, etc.)
Traffic calming (speed humps/cushions, roundabouts, medians, etc.)
Bike lanes
Closed to responses

Question title

In the FY 2023-24 Budget Survey, respondents wanted additional investments in Roadways. Please rank the following strategies.

Complete less repaving but fund additional improvements when appropriate to sidewalks, street lighting, trees, and other amenities
Avg. Rank: 1.15
Maximize the amount of repaving completed
Avg. Rank: 1.38
Closed to responses | 822 Responses

Question title

In the FY 2023-24 Budget Survey, respondents wanted additional investments in Sidewalks. Please rank the following strategies.

Install new sidewalks where there are none
Avg. Rank: 1.39
Repair and maintain existing sidewalks
Avg. Rank: 1.60
Closed to responses | 794 Responses

Question title

Please provide any comments about the questions above, or other feedback about the FY 2024-25 Budget.

Closed for Comments
Ono ca
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Gary HallIGO / Ono
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Tracy GouetteIgo , Ca
ReplyAgree2 years ago
mary burgerIgo
ReplyAgree2 years ago
John MooreIgo
ReplyAgree2 years ago

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