Values Input: In order to best understand resident and visitors’ desires, we’ve designed these questions to help capture your input on what the project looks like in values, appearance and community representation.

Question title

1. What should be the top priorities for this project? Select all that apply.

Creating connections from communities to places of interest
Promoting the cultural heritage of the community
Aesthetics of the trail
Other (please add comment below)
Closed to responses | 102 Responses

Question title

2. How would you use the Albemarle Corridor Cultural Trail?

Other (please specify)
Closed to responses | 106 Responses

Question title

3. Please rank what is most important to you for this trail.

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Question title

4. What places do you regularly travel to in the Albemarle Corridor Study Area? Please list as many as you can and be specific.

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Question title

5. When you think of the word "culture" and how it applies to the Albemarle Corridor, what comes to mind?

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Question title

6. Do you experience difficulty navigating parts of this corridor, and if so, where specifically?

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Question title

7. Who specifically should the project team engage during this process?

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Question title

8. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the Albemarle Corridor Cultural Trail, please share them here.

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Value Reflection: As a part of a separate Urban Land Institute study done in partnership with the City of Charlotte and the community, three high-level concepts were developed for a "Culture Trail" that would better connect the community while offering more equitable transportation and recreation options for the neighborhood and surrounding area:

  • The Main Line
  • The Neighborhood Connector
  • The Retrofit

These concepts explore three different visions for the comprehensive connection based on varying priorities. These concepts are not concrete examples of what the end project may look like.

map of main line concept

The Main Line concept (map above) focuses on providing connections to and from places as directly as possible, with an emphasis on places of commerce. The line would potentially overlap with planned greenway projects and with proposed mobility enhancements down the line. The project values for the Main Line are investment, connectivity and utility.

map of neighborhood connection concept

The Neighborhood Connector concept (map above) looks at building off the existing natural corridors for the community, creating a hierarchical loop with pockets that celebrate the community’s various cultures. Looking to connect single-family subdivisions with future greenways, additional recreational opportunities, and existing commercial strips, the project values for the Neighborhood Connector are nature, recreation and neighborhoods.

map of retrofit concept


The Retrofit concept (map above) looks at improving pedestrian and biking infrastructure by providing connectivity to existing key destinations. This iteration would be gradually built out as future development comes into the community, creating a cohesive trail as time progresses. The project values for the Retrofit are development-oriented, integration and space-efficiency.

Question title

9. Which of the three best represents the values you would like to prioritize?

The Main Line
The Neighborhood Connector
The Retrofit
I have no preference
Closed to responses | 94 Responses

Question title

10. Why did you select your option for question 9? Please be as detailed as possible.

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The following demographic questions are optional.

Question title

What is your age?

35-44 years old
55-64 years old
45-54 years old
18-34 years old
65+ years old
Prefer not to answer
Under 17 years old
Closed to responses | 102 Responses

Question title

What is your race?

White or Caucasian (non-Hispanic)
Black or African-American
Hispanic or Latino
Prefer not to answer
American Indian/Native American
Asian/Pacific Islander
Other (please add comment below)
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Closed to responses | 101 Responses

Question title

Please provide your residential ZIP code.