Bus Rapid Transit

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a type of rapid bus service that is a high-capacity bus-based transit system that delivers fast, efficient, and reliable service. Common elements of BRT include dedicated bus lanes and traffic signal priority on local roads that allows bus operators to bypass traffic and stay on schedule. BRT also involves enhanced stations and off-board fare payment to speed boarding of vehicles.

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Describe your Project, Survey, or Initiative further

  • Define the goals of your project – add additional context, including the overall plan or data from related studies

  • Share how the project will be funded - be transparent

  • share links to resources, such as a Past Engagement Summary

  • Add images of proposed plans, or multiple planning stages

  • You can add video using the Add Other button (youtube video example below)

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Learn how to add a Youtube video to your project

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Tip:  You can use content boxes as headers to separate information on the page.

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This is a Project Sidebar. It's especially useful when you have a multi-step project layout, but have information you'd like the participant to see on every page (or step). The sidebar can be removed from the project layout at any time.

Project Timeline

Phase 1

Add your own project milestones and milestone details and mark whether they are planned, live or complete.

Phase 2

Phase 3

Frequently Asked Questions

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a type of rapid bus service that is a high-capacity bus-based transit system that delivers fast, efficient, and reliable service. Common elements of BRT include dedicated bus lanes and traffic signal priority on local roads that allows bus operators to bypass traffic and stay on schedule. BRT also involves enhanced stations and off-board fare payment to speed boarding of vehicles.

You can fill this area in with the details specific to your BRT study.

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It is linked to the original template project. Delete it, or create a new form to replace it.

BRT Project Manager(s):

Project Manager Name

Email: template-brt@publicinput.com

Phone:  855-925-2801 (toll-free)
Project Code:  ####

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Best Practice advice:

Use the project's default or custom email address to collect and respond to emails. This allows all Project admins to manage project emails in one location by collecting them all within the project on the project's Email tab. Project admins receive a notification when new emails are received

For Engage and Engage+ plans, the project phone line can be enabled on the Phone tab to allow for recorded and transcribed voicemail comments.

Listen plans do not offer this feature.