Community Engagement

Question title

In which of the following activities or services are you most interested? Please select up to 3 choices.

Community outreach (e.g., meet-and-greets, Q&A sessions, presentations to neighborhoods and/or organizations)
Virtual educational programming
"How-to" seminars (e.g., conducting historic research, repairing historic windows, navigating the historic rehabilitation tax credit process)
Community walking tours
Historic research assistance
Oral history projects
History exhibits/displays
Advocacy efforts for historic landscapes
Building permit assistance for historic properties
County staff design review for historic properties
Cemetery and burial ground clean-ups
I am not interested in these activities
Closed to responses

Question title

In Fall 2021, community members told us that many of the following educational offerings would be helpful. Which of the following are you most interested in? Please select up to 3 choices.

Overview of the process for nominating properties as local historic districts
Arlington's history and culture programs for students
Arlington's history and culture programs for adults
How to apply for historic rehabilitation tax credits
How to research historic properties and neighborhoods
How to preserve historic properties (e.g., local historic districts, easements, transfer of development rights)
How to fix historic windows
I am not interested in these programs
Closed to responses

Question title

Which technical topics are you most interested in learning about? Select all that apply.

How to make changes to historic buildings and/or landscapes harmonious with both individual properties and neighborhoods
How to design historically sensitive accessory dwellings or outbuildings
How to introduce sustainability upgrades to existing properties (e.g., appliances, solar panels, energy audits, permeable landscaping, electric vehicle chargers)
How to manage and protect streetscapes (e.g., tree retention, signage, landscaping, hardscaping)
I am not interested in this information
Closed to responses

Question title

Which of the following should the Historic Preservation Program do to increase racial equity in its programming? Select all that apply.

Offer more educational programming focused on traditionally lesser-told stories
Create more print and digital materials about historically underrepresented communities, populations, and grassroots movements
Consider demographic information and trends when studying historic buildings, neighborhoods, and landscapes
Highlight cultural value when studying historic buildings, neighborhoods, and landscapes
Form more partnerships with diverse community groups
Provide grant funding for projects with direct ties to historically underrepresented groups, such as Arlington's Black, Asian American, Hispanic, and Indigenous communities, and all people not historically represented in the County's story
Conduct more studies and research about historic properties and/or traditions in marginalized communities
Update existing mapping tools and databases to identify more diverse cultural and historic resources
Protect historic properties that represent diverse communities and are culturally significant
The Historic Preservation Program is already equitable
There is not a need to increase equity in the Historic Preservation Program
Closed to responses

Question title

The Historic Preservation Program would like to develop an annual report and is exploring the best ways to share information with the Arlington community. How would you prefer to receive an annual historic preservation report?

Formal written report available digitally
Pre-recorded audio or video presentation
Live presentation during a Historical Affairs and Landmark Review Board meeting
Summary flyer
I am not interested in an annual historic preservation report
Closed to responses