C20-2023-030 Airole Way Site Specific SOS Amendment was approved by City Council on Feb. 1, 2024.



On September 14th, 2023, City Council approved Resolution No. 20230914-079 to initiate variances and amendments to the Land Development Code, including site-specific amendments to Chapter 25-8, Subchapter A, Article 13 (Save Our Springs Initiative) as minimally required to address development related to the proposed resubdivision and development at 1905 and 1908 Airole Way.
The existing lots at 1905 & 1908 Airole Way were platted before the adoption of the SOS ordinance and are not currently required to comply with its requirements. The proposed resubdivision of 1905 & 1908 Airole would add the unplatted Tract 2 to Lot 18 and adjust the lot line separating Lot 18 & 19, resulting in the vacation of vested rights for both lots. The applicant is proposing a site-specific SOS amendment to allow for the proposed development of the resubdivided lots while providing on site water quality treatment, native plantings, and renovation of a historic home.

Summary of Proposed Amendment

The amendment under consideration is related to proposed development and resubdivision of two platted residential lots at 1905 (Lot 19) & 1908 (Lot 18) Airole Way and an unplatted lot (Tract 2) in the Barton Hills neighborhood. The property is located in the Barton Creek Watershed, in the Barton Springs Zone, and within the recharge zone of the Edwards Aquifer, which pursuant to current city code and the Save Our Springs (SOS) ordinance, requires non-degradation water quality treatment for all development and impervious cover limited to 15% Net Site Area (NSA).
The proposed development of the site includes the renovation and expansion of an existing historic residence on the combined area of Lot 18 and Tract 2, and construction of a new residence on the currently undeveloped Lot 19. The existing total combined area of the site (Lot 18, Lot 19 and Tract 2) is 0.55 acres (24,023 sqft). The SOS ordinance would limit the total impervious cover for the subdivision to 15% NSA (0.0539 acres or 2348 sqft). The proposed SOS amendment requests an impervious cover limit of 32.9% Gross Site Area (GSA) (0.1818 acre or 7920 sqft).
Additionally, single family residential make it difficult to meet SOS non-degredation water quality control requirements so the proposed SOS amendment also includes a request to allow the project to meet water quality treatment requirements by providing rainwater capture of ½” off the roof.
Lastly, because LDC 25-8-515 prohibits variances from the SOS Ordinance, a site-specific amendment to the SOS Ordinance approved by a supermajority of the City Council is necessary to allow the proposed resubdivision and associated development of 1905 & 1908 Airole Way.
The proposed site-specific SOS amendments are being requested to allow the following improvements:

  • Renovation and expansion of an existing historic A.D. Stenger home
  • On-site water quality controls where none currently exist using a rainwater harvesting cistern and infiltration areas.
  • Landscaping around the home utilizing native plants and trees with enhancement to the quality of existing vegetation.

Review and Adoption Timeline

  • Dec. 13, 2023: Recommended for approval by the Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee  
  • Jan. 9, 2024: Unanimously recommended for approval by the Planning Commission 
  • Feb. 1, 2024: Approved by City Council 

Case Manager Contact

Leslie Lilly, Watershed Protection Department, Leslie.Lilly@austintexas.gov

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