Question title

Agency (please push 'comment' button to move on)

Question title

Role/Title (please push 'comment' button to move on)

(If you would like to answer this in general terms to avoid identifying yourself, please do so, e.g., Lead Planner instead of Director of Planning.)

Question title

How do you obtain raw (unsummarized) crash data currently? (Select all that apply.)

Select a response

Question title

What other datasets do you use for safety purposes? (please push 'comment' button to move on)

Question title

Which of these applications/programs for data summaries and analyses have you heard of? (Select all that apply.)

Select a response

Question title

Which of these applications/programs for data summaries and analyses have you used? (Select all that apply.)

Select a response

Question title

How much of your safety analysis is done in-house (government personnel)?

Select a response

Question title

How much of your safety analysis is done with a consultant (or contractor, external or internal to your agency)?

Select a response

Question title

How is safety analysis conducted? (Select all that apply.)

Select a response

Question title

Do you have a preference or a requirement when using analysis applications?

Select a response

Question title

Which of these software applications have you used for safety analysis? (Select all that apply.)

Select a response

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Are there datasets you need for safety analysis and currently do not have access to? If yes, please describe the dataset. (please push 'comment' button to move on)

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Thinking of the most important dataset you currently do not have, what is the reason for lack of access? (Select all that apply.)

Select a response

Question title

Please rank the following in order of highest to lowest challenges for meeting traffic safety data analysis needs.

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Do you have highway safety questions that cannot be answered by the data you have readily available? Please provide specific examples. (please push 'comment' button to move on)

Question title

Are you a member of a state Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) Emphasis Area Team (EAT)? (Select all the apply.)

Select a response

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Are you a member of the Traffic Records Coordinating Committee (TRCC - any level)?

Select a response

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Do you regularly attend the Baltimore Regional Safety Subcommittee meetings?

Select a response

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Are you a member of your local SHSP team? (e.g., Vision Zero, Strategic Road Safety Plan, Strategic Traffic Safety Plan)

Select a response

Question title

Please provide any additional comments. (please push 'comment' button to move on)