Dog Park Improvements

Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation has initiated design for the dog park that will replace the existing dog park to improve accessibility and maintainability. 

A public Input session is anticipated for spring/summer 2025. 

Recycling Center Improvements

Mecklenburg County Solid Waste and Recycling Division and Park and Recreation Department are working in partnership to improve the recycling-only center at the William Davie Park and replace the current un-staffed recycling bins with a staffed location to reduce recycling contamination.

Currently, the Self-Service Recycling Center consists of twelve 8-cubic yard containers for residents to drop off recyclable materials such as aluminum and metal cans, cardboard, milk and juice cartons, glass bottles, paper, and plastic bottles and jugs. 

One of the ongoing operational issues associated with operating a self-service facility is the placement of unacceptable/trash materials in the containers.  Improper drop-offs contaminate the recyclable materials; thus, reducing the ability to effectively recover the good recyclable materials.

Servicing the existing William Davie Park recycling bins involves the movement of multiple containers (in a small space) during the early morning hours, which has led to noise complaints from the surrounding residential community.

The redeveloped recycling center will be staffed to help address the operational concerns of noise and contamination. The new recycling center will be staffed during established operational hours The presence of staff will reduce the amount of trash and other non-recyclable materials received at the site. 

The new recycling center will utilize different containers to reduce the total number of containers on-site and will reduce noise. 

The redeveloped recycling center will also provide additional services to the community by offering enhanced recycling services such as the acceptance of rigid foam, large cardboard containers, and books.
The construction will be in the same area as the existing drop off location, and this will mean we will have to temporarily close the center during construction for safety.  Notices will be provided at the Center and on-line prior to any work activities.


If you have any questions related to the recycling center improvements, please contact:


Martin Sanford, P.E., PMP

Construction Project Manager

LUESA | Solid Waste

Mecklenburg County Government



Site layout of new recycling center at Monroe Road Park

Question title

What ideas do you have for future park improvements (big or small) at William R. Davie Park?

Community Engagement

The following questions will help Mecklenburg Park and Recreation improve our engagement process. 

Question title

What is the best way for the County to advertise input and engagement meetings? Rank the items below in order of priority.

Question title

What is your preferred method of input and engagement for changes to Mecklenburg County parks? Rank the items below in order of priority.

Question title

Do you have additional comments to share with Mecklenburg County staff?

Question title

* Would you like to provide your contact information for future project updates?

Additional questions? Contact:

Gwen Cook, Planner or 980-406-1504