Dix Park Community Committee Application
Dix Park Community Committee Application
Background: In February 2019, the Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan was adopted by Raleigh City Council. To provide community input in the process, the Master Plan Advisory Committee was formed of 40 community members who served through plan adoption. As focus has now shifted from Master Plan development to plan implementation, the City of Raleigh and the Dorothea Dix Park Conservancy are reinstituting the community advisory committee, now named the Dix Park Community Committee.
The City of Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department and the Dix Park Conservancy are looking for volunteers to serve on this committee.
The purpose of the Community Committee is:
(1) to be a steward of the Master Plan;
(2) to be a voice of the community and advise the Leadership Committee (made up of City and Conservancy leadership) on the implementation of the Master Plan;
(3) to be engaged and informed voices of Dorothea Dix Park in the community to support both the City and the Conservancy’s outreach and engagement efforts.
The committee will be inclusive, equitable, and representative of the City’s diverse demographics.
The management of the Community Committee will be led by the City with the support of the Conservancy.
If you need additional accommodations, including a request for paper application mailed to your address, please contact Nick Smith at nicholas.smith@raleighnc.gov or call 919-996-3285 (ext. 1) for additional information.
UPDATE: APPLICATION PERIOD has been EXTENDED 2 WEEKS and will now close on July 1st.
Role and Expectations of the Committee:
Community Committee members will perform a variety of roles including but not limited to the following:
- Advise- Committee members will represent the broad interests of the community and be advisers to the City, the Conservancy, and consultant teams.
- Enrich- Committee members will have specific knowledge or experiences to share with the consultant team and the City to enrich the planning process.
- Advocate- Committee members will be champions of the planning process and Dorothea Dix Park.
- Engage- Committee members will be heavily involved in public outreach and engagement.
Serving on this Committee involves a commitment to attend regular meetings and public events. Meetings will be held at various times during the week including evenings and weekends. Committee members should expect at least a 2-hour monthly commitment. Initial committee terms will range from 1-3 years.