State Route 46 (Niles Cortland Road) & State Route 82 Proposed Improvements (PID108547)
State Route 46 (Niles Cortland Road) & State Route 82 Proposed Improvements (PID108547)
Project Description
The intersections at SR-46 and SR-82 ramps in Howland Township, Trumbull County, Ohio have experienced continual congestion and safety issues. Initially, traffic signals were added to the intersections, but continued delays and crashes required an additional study to determine an appropriate solution. The recently completed safety study recommended the implementation of a Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) with pedestrian traffic to match the Howland Township long range plan. The purpose of this project is to convert the existing diamond interchange with a DDI, including the replacement of the SR-82 structures over SR-46.
Additional details about this project can also be found on the Ohio Department of Transportation's project website here.
Public Participation
Please click the green 'Continue' button to advance through the information and provide feedback. By reviewing the project information presented below and leaving your comments and concerns on the "Submit your Feedback" tab, you are participating in the virtual public meeting. Questions and comments can also be submitted by the following methods.
- Email:
- Call: 330-786-2274
- Comment form (located for download in the sidebar of this webpage) or letter to:
Sean Carpenter
Ohio Department of Transportation – District 4
2088 S. Arlington Road
Akron, OH 44306
Comments may be submitted until August 15, 2021.
If you have difficulties viewing the materials presented, please contact Sean Carpenter from ODOT's District 4 Office by calling 330-786-2274 or emailing
We look forward to hearing from you!
Purpose & Need
The purpose of the project is to improve safety and reduce congestion at the intersection of SR 82 and SR 46, and on SR 46 immediately north of SR 82 (south of Warren-Sharon Road), and to address facility deficiencies on the SR 82 bridge structure. Need elements are based on the following:
- The interchange appears on ODOT’s 2015, 2016, and 2017 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Urban Non-Freeway priority lists. Additionally, this location is also identified as a high priority location on ODOT’s 2015, 2016, and 2017 Safety Integrated Project (SIP) map.
- Per the Safety Study, a total of 159 crashes occurred at the SR 46 and SR 82 ramp intersections between 2012 and 2016.
- A total of 60 crashes occurred along the corridor of SR 46 north of SR 82 and south of Warren-Sharon Road.
- In examining recent crash data, capacity, analysis, and queue data, the Safety Study indicates a link between crashes and congestion at the intersection of SR 46 and SR 82.
- The existing bridge structure has a substandard vertical clearance of 15’-0” for SR 46 southbound traffic, rendering this bridge functionally obsolete.
Public Meeting for State Route 46 (Niles Cortland Road) & State Route 82 Proposed Improvements (PID108547)
We value your input!
Please join us for a public meeting to discuss this proposed project.
We will begin with a live presentation at 5:00 p.m. followed by an interactive question and comment session.
Registration is not required to attend but having your contact information will help us provide you with project updates and responses to questions and comments.
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