Question title

Did you complete the MAX OUT Challenge?

Yes, I fully maxed out. (100 points)
I partially maxed out. (25-75 points)
No, I tried but didn't finish.
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Question title

Which parts of the MAX OUT Challenge did you complete? Select all that apply.

First Inbody Reading (08/27 - 09/09)
21 Workouts (minimum 3 per week 08/27 - 10/21)
Second Inbody Reading (10/08 - 10/21)
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Question title

Prior to the MAX OUT Challenge, how often would you exercise for 25 minutes or more?

1-2 times per week
3-4 times per week
5-6 times per week
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Question title

What challenges do you face in engaging in physical activity? Select all that apply.

Fear of injury
Didn't know where to start
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Question title

Did the InBody 570 Body Composition Analysis build awareness around health and motivate you to make healthy lifestyle changes?

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Question title

Did the MAX OUT Challenge provide you with a greater awareness of regular exercise targets and the significance of body composition versus weight alone?

Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
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Question title

After completing the MAX OUT Challenge, how often do you now plan to exercise in a typical week?

1-2 times per week
3-4 times per week
5-6 times per week
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Question title

Would you like to share any additional comments about your experience participating in the MAX OUT Challenge?

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