Draft Langston Boulevard Area Plan
Draft Langston Boulevard Area Plan
We are asking for feedback on the policies in the Draft Langston Boulevard Area Plan. They were developed to help achieve the plan’s goals and, ultimately, the vision of a Green Main Street. For simplicity and ease of use, many policy statements have been shortened in this feedback form. A link to the full policy statements and accompanying implementation strategies is provided in each section.
Feedback collected through this form will be shared with the County Board for members to consider as they begin reviewing the Draft Langston Boulevard Area Plan.
Responses are saved as you progress through the form if you would like to complete it in more than one sitting.
Please provide input by July 30.
Economic Vitality
Full list of economic vitality policies and implementation strategies
As national and local trends are changing the face of retail, the corridor will provide spaces that support a diversity of businesses, including local ones, and create jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities. The development of walkable destinations makes transformation of Langston Boulevard economically viable for the private sector and has several benefits that improve quality of life along Langston Boulevard and adjoining neighborhoods.