Question title

What forms of transportation do you currently use to travel in Kaufman County, Rockwall County, and Eastern Dallas County (Balch Springs, Combine, Mesquite, Sachse, Seagoville, Sunnyvale)? (Please provide one response per row)

Question title

Have you recently or ever used transit services in Kaufman County, Rockwall County, or Eastern Dallas County (Balch Springs, Combine, Mesquite, Sachse, Seagoville, Sunnyvale)?

I used a transit service in Eastern Dallas County within the last 12 months
I used a transit service in Eastern Dallas County in 2021 or before
I used a transit service in Kaufman County within in the last 12 months
I used a transit service in Kaufman County in 2021 or before
I used a transit service in Rockwall County within the last 12 months
I used a transit service in Rockwall County in 2021 or before
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Question title

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please provide one response per row.)

Question title

If available, what days of the week would you use transit service? (Please check all that apply.)

Both weekdays and weekends
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Question title

If they were available to you, would you use the following services? (Please check all that apply.)

A bus or train that takes me to another location in my city, town, or county
A bus or train that takes me to a neighboring city, town, or county
A bus or train that takes me to a city or town outside the local area
An on-demand service that takes me to another location in my city, town, or county
An on-demand service that takes me to another location outside the local area
An on-demand service that drops me off at a train station
A rental scooter or bicycle
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Question title

Which of the following local transit services are you familiar with—even if you have not used them? (Please check all that apply.)

DART Light Rail
STAR Transit Bus
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Question title

Using the interactive map (below) identify the destinations/locations to which you would like to go if transit service were available to you. (Please use your curser to zoom and click on a destination. You will be prompted to type in the name of the destination.)

Question title

Is there a place that you would like to travel that you cannot currently reach on transit?

Yes. (Please provide the location.)
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Question title

Which of the following describes you? (Please check all that apply.)

I work in business or administration.
I work in education.
I work in industry, agriculture, or manufacturing.
I work in retail, at a restaurant, or in another service sector.
I work non-traditional hours or shift work.
I work in healthcare.
I work in transportation.
I work in the public sector.
I care for children.
I care for an adult family member.
I am not employed
I am retired
I work in a sector not listed here.
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Question title

What is your annual household income?

Less than $40,000 per year
Between $40,000 - $80,000 per year
Between $81,000 - $120,000 per year
More than $120,000 per year
I prefer not to say.
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Question title

What is your gender? (Please select one.)

None of the above
I prefer not to say.
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Question title

What is your age range? (Please select one.)

Under 18
Over 75
I prefer not to say.
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your race and/or ethnicity? (Select all that apply.)

White or Caucasian
Black or African American
Hispanic or Latino
Asian or Asian American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Another race or ethnicity
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Question title

* In which zip code do you live?

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Reply5 Agree2 years ago
Reply3 Agree2 years ago
Reply1 Agree2 years ago
Agree2 years ago
Reply1 Agree2 years ago
Reply1 Agree2 years ago

Question title

Please share any additional information about the study area or your transit needs.

Your privately-submitted comments:
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Thank you for your participation.