Project Description
The City of Excelsior Springs, Missouri, received $26 million dollars in U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) funding for a multi-modal project that will improve safety and connectivity in Excelsior Springs through improvements to current roadways, the addition of sidewalks and trails, and pedestrian bridge over U.S. Highway 69 (US-69). The project transforms several main corridors, including US-69, and MO-Route 10 (MO-10) into safely designed complete streets to boost economic competitiveness for a small-town community. Grant funds will be used to construct roadway and intersection improvements, sidewalks and shared-use paths, manage stormwater runoff , and enhance the streetscape.
Using the map below, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the many projects taking place throughout western Excelsior Springs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Additional engagement sessions are planned for mid-2025. Please check back for more information as we get closer.
This effort encompasses 26 smaller projects, broken down into 4 project types.
Neighborhood (8)
Highway Projects (10)
Commercial Projects (3)
Railroad Projects (5)