Question title

When considering where to live, what are your three most important factors? Place the most important at the top, second most important in the middle, and third most important last.

Private open space
No shared walls with other tenants
Dedicated parking space
Storage space
Having more than one bedroom
Being close to work
Being close to friends and/or family
Monthly payment
Overall costs associated with living there (monthly payment, HOA fees, maintenance costs, etc.)
The layout of the home
Being close to public transit
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Question title

How long have you lived at your current address?

Less than 1 year
1-3 years
4-6 years
7-10 years
More than 10 years
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Question title

How many people currently live in your residence?

1 (Just me!)
6 or more
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Question title

Please select any of the statements that apply to your current living situation. Leave blank if none apply.

There is/are a child(ren) under the age of 18 that live here.
This is a single-parent household.
There are at least two adults who live here that are not related and not in a partnership.
There are at least three generations that live here.
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Question title

What is your current residential status?

I am a renter.
I am a homeowner with a mortgage payment.
I am a homeowner without a mortgage payment.
I am currently staying somewhere that I neither rent nor own.
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