Upcoming Training Events

Fair Housing Assistance Animals


Assistance Animals

Assistance animals are not pets, and yet misconceptions about service animals persists in fair housing issues. Review the U.S. Department of Housing and Urdban Development resources below to learn more about reasonable accommodations, rules, and resources related to these important working animals.



This toolkit is composed of five modules:

The toolkit also includes two subsections:


Taken together, the five sections provide a comprehensive training regarding the rights, best practices, and policies that support the implementation of non-discrimination policies and practices concerning LGBTQIA+ individuals.

For those seeking guidance about a particular topic, each section can stand alone as a subject-specific resource. Additionally, the toolkit contains videos that explore scenarios to help you understand the content of the section. You can click on the navigation links on the left side of the page to link directly to specific section.

Nancy Williams, Community Development Program Manager with Buncombe County Planning, talks with Leonard and ZaKiya about the very important topic of fair housing in Buncombe County.

June is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month: What to Know About Fair Housing Protections

(click the image to read the article)June is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month Fair Housing Protections