Elevate 2050 - Vision Statement​

The FBRMPO region envisions an equitable, connected, well-maintained, and sustainable multimodal transportation system that reflects the unique character of the region and its terrain, while getting all travelers to their destinations safely, easily, and reliably. This system supports an inclusive, healthy, and economically vibrant region that aligns with land use goals and expands mobility choices.


The FBRMPO's 2050 MTP will help the Asheville urban area region move toward an improved transportation network over the next 25 years. The plan will place focused emphasis on the vision and goals of the community  in the evaluation of the existing network, analysis of future needs, and the identification/prioritization of projects. 

Define Our Vision (Summer 2024)


Guiding Principles: How we approach the process

Vision Statement: Where we want to be

Goals & Objectives: What we want


Evaluate Today's Network (Fall 2024)


Status of the System: What we have now

System Deficiency Summary: What needs to improve

Transportation Network Evaluation: How it performs 

Analyze Tomorrow's Network (Winter 2024-2025)


2050 Model Runs: What 2050 will be like based on trends

Performance Based Scenarios: Our possible futures

Preliminary Projects: Responses to current and anticipated needs, proposed projects and scoring

Strategy & Phasing Considerations: How to work towards getting the network we want 

Build Our Roadmap (Spring - Summer 2025)


Project & Strategy Recommendations: What we need to build the desired network

Phasing & Implementation Plan: Specific steps to build desired network and implement policy recommendations

Financial Plan: How it will be funded, matching costs with anticipated revenue

Draft/Final 2050 MTP: Share draft/final MTP document

Non-Discrimination (Title VI) Policy:

Ensure that no person shall, on the ground of race, color, national origin, Limited English Proficiency, sex, age, or disability, (and low-income, where applicable), be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any FBRMPO  programs and activities, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and other pertinent nondiscrimination authorities.