Forest Hill Drive Study
Forest Hill Drive Study
A study of Forest Hill Drive from Lon Stephenson Road to Shelby Road.
NCTCOG shall identify the specific thoroughfare location and number of lanes for Forest Hill Dr. in Forest Hill, Fort Worth, and Everman. This project will focus on stormwater impacts, traffic signals and comprehensive thoroughfare conceptual engineering. This project will include public and stakeholder involvement. The goal is to alleviate congestion through road widening, while having the least impact on existing properties.
Potential thoroughfare alignments are being researched and studied and will be presented to the public for additional comment in the future.
Comments and Questions: To submit a question or comment on current planning efforts, follow instructions on the Public Comments tab or visit the Map Your Exeprience website to leave a comment on an interactive map.
Study Area Map
Forest Hill Drive Study Public Meeting
For special accommodations due to a disability or for language interpretation, contact Taylor Benjamin
at 817-704-5672 or Reasonable accommodations will be made.
Para ajustes especiales por discapacidad o para interpretación de idiomas, llame al 817-704-5672 o por email: Se harán las adaptaciones razonables.
- Files 4
- Forest Hill Study_Eng.pdf
- Forest Hill Study_Span.pdf
- Public_Meeting Presentation_04-08-24_protected.pdf
- SPANISH- Public Meeting Presentation04-08-24.pdf