Question title

Do you support more funding for Austin parks, pools, and facilities?

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Your privately-submitted comments:

Question title

How satisfied are you with the following parks and recreation services?

Question title

What City parks and recreation services do you use? Rank from most used to least.

Walking and biking trails
Recreation Facilities (Recreation, Senior, Nature and Activity)
Recreation programs, leagues, or classes

Question title

Funding for parks and recreation generally comes from three sources: Taxes, Fees, or Dedicated Funding. Which do you think the Department should focus on? Please rank in order of most preferred to least. Examples of each are given in the questions that follow.

Increasing taxes
Increasing current fees
Adding new fees
New dedicated funding sources

Question title

What do you believe is the most appropriate way to provide additional funding for parks, pools, and facilities? Rank in order of most preferred to least.

Individuals should pay for access to parks, pools, and facilities at the time of use.
Individuals or organizations should choose whether to contribute to funding parks, pools, and facilities.
Property owners should share responsibility and contribute to funding parks, pools, and facilities.
All Austin residents should share responsibility and contribute to funding parks, pools, and facilities.
Unsure or no preference

Question title

Below are some ways the City may consider increasing taxes. Please rank the options below in order of which option you would prefer most to least.

"Ad valorem" property tax: Increase for all property owners, goes to City General Fund
District property tax: Property tax that may vary based on location, goes to parks or parks in taxed area
Municipal bonds: Voter-approved property tax increase, goes to specific named projects.
Recreation, Arts, and Parks Tax: Sales tax on all or specified goods/services, goes to parks and recreation

Question title

Below are some ways the City may consider increasing fees, please rank the options below in order of which option you would prefer most to least.

Increased programming fees (leagues, camps, after school programs, classes)
Increased pool entry fees
Increased reservation fees
Increased parking fees
Increased fines for breaking park rules (citations)

Question title

Below are some ways the City may consider new fees. Please rank the options below in order of which option you would prefer most to least.

Entrance fees at more district, metropolitan, or special parks
Entrance fees at additional swimming pools
Parking fees at more locations
Optional membership fees for add-on benefits such as parking, lockers, extended hours, or other benefits
Additional fees for non-residents visiting Austin parks system
Add new monthly user fee on utility bill similar to bin fee or Clean Community fee
Charge entrance fees at recreation centers and other facilities

Question title

Below are some ways the City may consider new dedicated funding sources. Please rank the options below in order of which option you would prefer most to least.

Additional park nonprofit partners supporting parks system through stewardship, operations, maintenance, and programming
Additional sponsorship opportunities
Additional avenues for financial donations to parks system

Question title

Do you have another idea not listed above? If yes, please explain below.

Your privately-submitted comments:

Question title

How would you prioritize spending additional money raised from the methods listed above? Please rank in order of importance.

Maintenance of existing parks and amenities
Adding amenities to less developed parks
Renovation of existing facilities
Building new facilities
Purchasing land for future parks
More programming, classes, or leagues
Your privately-submitted comments:

Question title

Do you know of another city you think Austin should look at as an example of an excellent park system? If so, please share here.

Your privately-submitted comments:

Question title

Would you be interested in participating in small group discussions about alternative park funding strategies? If yes, please provide your email below.

Your privately-submitted comments:

Question title

Any other ideas or thoughts about park funding you would like to share?

Your privately-submitted comments:

About you

The Austin Parks and Recreation Departments asks for the following  information in order to help identify whether we are connecting to our diverse community effectively. We aim to have participants represent the  people in the communities we serve. Your responses are optional and are appreciated.

Question title

What City Council District do you live in?

If you are unsure, you can use the Council District Map:

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What is your age range?

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Question title

What is your race/ethnicity?

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Question title

What is your annual household income?

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Question title

What language is spoken at home?

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What is your Zip Code?

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How long have you lived in Austin? If you do not currently live in Austin, please mark how long you lived in Austin previously if at all.

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