Town Manager, Joe Moore, presented the Mayor and Board of Commissioners the FY 2024 budget recommendation. A series of budget meetings will be held in the month of May where additional information is provided to the Mayor, Board and the community. Check back each week for updates or links to meeting videos. We also welcome the community to provide comments as the budget is reviewed and refined with input from the community, the Mayor, and Board. 

The Budget Ordinance is arguably the most important policy document the Board of Commissioners adopts. In short, the Budget Ordinance funds what the Board of Commissioners value, and together with the series of previously adopted Budget Ordinances, they bend the Town’s long arc towards achieving a vibrant, growing community that maintains its small-town charm and heritage.
The Manager presented the recommended budget on May 9th at 5 PM.. Additional budget work sessions are scheduled for May 17th and 25th at 5 pm.  A public hearing will be held on June 5th at 6 pm. The community may provided comment on the budget at the hearing. You may also submit comments online by clicking on the "comments/input" tab.