The Charlotte 2022 Canopy Analysis uses County-wide land cover data to analyze canopy trends in the City of Charlotte and its Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction. The results of this analysis will serve as baseline data for future tree canopy efforts and policy work.


This analysis is the result of a project partnership between TreesCharlotte and the City of Charlotte with consultant support from PlanIT Geo.

Project Scope

The 2022 canopy cover & canopy change analysis covers changes in Charlotte's tree canopy from 2018 through 2022.

The results identify:

  • Ecosystem benefits
  • Potential planting area
  • Urban heat mapping
  • Neighborhood canopy distribution, and
  • Other canopy issues

The result of this effort includes a new online Canopy Tool to be added to TreePlotter which will better help the public understand tree canopy and tree inventory in their area of interest.


Charlotte still has a robust canopy that provides significant ecosystem benefits. However, the canopy is still declining. The canopy declined 0.5% from 47.8% in 2018 with a total loss of 969 acres. However, the decline has been slower than previously thought.

Current canopy efforts are having impact but Charlotte is not on path to achieve 50% canopy if we maintain business as usual.


2022 Canopy Analysis Stats


2022 Canopy Analysis 2.0

Important Themes & Next Steps

Technology and methods have greatly evolved since last canopy analysis (2018). New approach will ensure consistent canopy analysis and “apples to apples” comparison.

Charlotte’s canopy is resilient but still facing significant challenges.

►Canopy decline is still occurring. Planting and preservation efforts have slowed the decline but Charlotte is not on target to achieve 50% Canopy By 2050. However, results indicate 50% still may be achievable.

►Canopy equity should be a priority and guiding principle for future policy work.

►Additional research and analysis is needed. The goal is to complete this in 2024 with an update to the Tree Canopy Action Plan. This will include stakeholder/public engagement, and recommendations for policy and ordinance concepts.

Question title

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