Connecting North Texas

Mobility 2050 is the defining vision for the multimodal transportation system in the Dallas-Fort-Worth Metropolitan Planning Area. The plan aims to achieve this by connecting North Texans to the important places in their lives, like workplaces, healthcare, education, healthy food, and other vital resources. Mobility 2050 is scheduled to be adopted in 2025 by the Regional Transportation Council, which serves as the policy body for the Metropolitan Planning Organization for North Central Texas. The Regional Transportation Council is a 44-member independent transportation policy body composed of elected and appointed officials from the metropolitan area, and representatives from area transportation providers. Mobility 2050 guides the implementation of multimodal transportation improvements, policies, and programs in the 12-county Metropolitan Planning Area.

More than Mobility

The plan is more than mobility -- more than a list of projects, and more than just getting around by car. The plan is multimodal, meaning it considers all modes of transportation, and includes not only projects, but also programs and policies that are aimed at meeting diverse travel needs and increasing access to jobs, education, healthcare and healthy food.

The plan also includes vital discussion of how transportation interacts with other areas like housing, the economy, travel and tourism, technology, and innovation. 

Take our survey!

Please take a few minutes to complete our survey, which will be available throughout the development of Mobility 2050. Your responses will help planning staff better understand how the transportation system is working for the public, and what needs to be improved!


Your input matters! 

We are continuously collecting input during the development of Mobility 2050 . The best way to shape plan recommendations is to provide comments on where you experience mobility issues through the Map Your Experience tool. This gives us data from all over the region on specific locations of need, so we can make sure the plan's recommendations aren't missing anything. For more information, watch the video below. To use Map Your Experience, click here.

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Frequently Asked Questions

It is expected to be released in early 2025. It will be available to view on NCTCOG's Mobility 2050 home page.

NCTCOG works together with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Federal Transit Authority (FTA), the North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA), and private sector partners to obtain (PL) planning funds. These funds are outlined in the annual Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). As part of these efforts, NCTCOG develops the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to track the different funding sources for the hundreds of projects currently planned for North Central Texas. 

You can provide input online or in person. Click on the input opportunities below to learn more.

Yes! We read every comment and respond when contact information is provided. While we cannot respond to comments submitted anonymously, we do read and consider them as part of the planning process. To find out who's listening, visit People Behind the Plan.

July 2022 - September 2023

Scoping Phase

This is when we look at the schedule, budget, resources, and timing of elements required by state and federal law.

October 2023 - October 2024

Kickoff and Planning Phase

The planning process is kicked off with RTC, STTC, and public meetings. In this phase of development, we are gathering input, assessing needs, and deterimining our capabilities as the Metropolitan Planning Organization.

November - December 2024

Document Production

NCTCOG staff are synthesizing input and creating draft plan documents, maps, and tables.

January - May 2025


In this phase, the draft plan is released and we seek feedback on it. The preliminary/draft results of all the needs assessment and analysis are included in the draft plan for review.

June 2025

Plan Adoption

The plan has undergone development and revision, and the policy board is asked to formally adopt the new plan.

December 2025

Air Quality Conformity Determination

In this final phase, our federal and state partners review our plan to determine compliance with air quality standards.