Gen H Open House Feedback
Gen H Open House Feedback
The City of Hendersonville hosted an open house as part of the Gen H Comprehensive Plan development process on Tuesday, February 13th at the Henderson County Public Library where community members could review information and give feedback to the City of Hendersonville.
If you were unable to join in person, this survey is your chance to provide input that will help refine the draft Gen H plan and recommendations for Hendersonville’s future. The survey will be open from February 19th - March 1st.
The full Open House informational boards are available on the Gen H website. Viewing the boards allows you to zoom in and take a deeper dive into the images and maps.
Spanish Survey: Haga clic aquí para completar la encuesta en español.
“Hendersonville is known as a livable city with a strong sense of community created through commitments to—and investments in—quality neighborhoods, a strong local economy, sustainable infrastructure, accessible public facilities and programs, context-appropriate amenities, and the conservation of historic, cultural, and environmental assets that define its character and identity.”
Scenario planning helps residents and property owners choose the future that meets their expectations. These choices are made with an awareness of potential changes in the current development pattern in return for desired community benefits. By examining each option through the lens of the Goals, it is easier to compare the options, understand the trade-offs, and make informed choices about the future of the area.
Informational board prepared for the 2/13 Public Open House. Hover mouse here for description of the board.
Eight big ideas have been developed based on what the community suggested as changes that would enhance the quality of life in Hendersonville. The big ideas encompass features that define the larger planning area and the aspects of the community that residents have enjoyed for decades. Each idea is aligned with the Gen H Goals.
Note: Numbering of the BIG IDEAS on the meeting board does not indicate preference or prioritization. The numbering is solely for organization.
Informational board prepared for the 2/13 Public Open House. Hover mouse here for description of the board.
Informational board prepared for the 2/13 Public Open House. Hover mouse here for description of the board.
The following information provides a summary of key concepts that inform quality approaches to future land use planning. Please review this information to provide perspective to the Character Areas and Growth Scenarios provided below.
Informational board prepared for the 2/13 Public Open House. Hover mouse here for description of the board.
We've provided descriptions of character areas to help inform your responses to the next questions where you will give feedback on growth scenario maps.
Informational board prepared for the 2/13 Public Open House. Hover mouse here for description of the board.
Informational board prepared for the 2/13 Public Open House. Hover mouse here for description of the board.
Informational board prepared for the 2/13 Public Open House. Hover mouse here for description of the board.
Informational board prepared for the 2/13 Public Open House. Hover mouse here for description of the board.
What if... the city builds out according to the current trends for zoning?
Informational board prepared for the 2/13 Public Open House. Hover mouse here for description of the board.
What if... the city builds out according to the current trends for adoptive land use?
Informational board prepared for the 2/13 Public Open House. Hover mouse here for description of the board.
What if...Growth--and development--is generally confined to the existing development footprint and the gaps within it?
Informational board prepared for the 2/13 Public Open House. Hover mouse here for description of the board.