Summer 2024 Feedback Form

View the Fall 2023 presentation slide deck.

Watch the virtual stream walk video below.

Incorporating Feedback into the Design

We appreciate community input! Here is a summary of how we have incorporated feedback into the design. 

What we heardHow we addressed it
Prioritize stability in increased storm intensity and climate changePrimary goal is to create a stable stream channel. Special focus on areas with highest risk of inaction.
Limit disruption to area residents & park users​Split access for Reach 3 & nature center​
Limit tree impacts​Scope change, tree prioritization ​
Address erosion before it becomes severe with smaller-scale materials​Add more of Reach 2 to scope ​
Consider additional methods, like wood​Incorporating wood structures throughout ​
Control runoff upslope​Four Green Street rain gardens planned​
Help areas downstream of Military Road​

Green Street rain gardens, outfall repair projects​

Use site-specific nutrient values

Site-specific values will be used for nutrient credit

Share reasoning and consider alternatives​Alternatives analysis considers seven approaches for each reach​



Gulf Branch Main Stem near the Nature Center

From downstream to upstream (right to left), key components of the design in this area include:

  • Step pools downstream of Military Road to slow down water coming from the culvert.
  • Stacked stone wall to protect driveway to Gulf Branch Nature Center.
  • Gently sloped floodplain bench near nature center. This will allow better access to the stream for park programs and provide a connected floodplain to better accommodate storm flows.
  • Raise the stream bed to cover the exposed sanitary sewer pipes near the cabin. 
  • Protect the new stream channel with stone and log structures to prevent future erosion.
  • Existing bedrock incorporated into design.
  • Replanting along stream corridor.

Gulf Branch Design from Military Rd to Nature Center showing stream structures and trees

View the detailed exhibit PDF (33MB).

Question title

Gulf Branch Main Stem near the Nature Center: Please share any thoughts or considerations you have about this stream section and the proposed approach.

Gulf Branch near Broyhill Park (Reach 3)

Key components of the design in this area include:

  • Raise the stream bed to bury the exposed sanitary sewer pipes. 
  • Protect the new stream channel with sturdy stone structures to prevent future erosion.
  • In the gully next to the stairs from Broyhill Park: Add stone step pools to protect the channel and handle storm flows through the park.
  • Replanting along stream corridor. 

Gulf Branch Design from Nature Center to Reach 3 showing stream structures and trees

View the detailed exhibit PDF (33MB).

Question title

Gulf Branch near Broyhill Park (Reach 3): Please share any thoughts or considerations you have about this stream section and the proposed approach.

Reach 2: Small Dry Channel with Increased Erosion

Key components of the design in this area include:

  • Stabilize the dry stream bed with logs and smaller stone structures. 
  • Minimal regrading and limited impacts. Can be constructed using smaller equipment. 
  • Robust replanting to complement the stream structures. 

Gulf Branch Reach 2 design showing stream structures and trees

View the detailed exhibit PDF (33MB).

Question title

Reach 2: Please share any thoughts or considerations you have about this stream section and the proposed approach.

Reach 1: Eroding Channel behind Glebe Park Tennis Courts

Key components of the design in this area include:

  • Raise the stream bed and resize the channel to accommodate storm flows. 
  • Protect the new stream channel with stone and log structures to prevent future erosion.
  • Replanting along stream corridor. 

Gulf Branch Reach 1 design showing stream structures and trees

View the detailed exhibit PDF (33MB).

Question title

Reach 1: Please share any thoughts or considerations you have about this stream section and the proposed approach.

Question title

General Comment: Please share any overall thoughts, comments, or questions.

Question title

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