Cases Open for Public Comment

Rezoning Request: ZREZ-01-23-00143

ZREZ-01-23-00143: Request to rezone TMS# 577-00-00-022, -024, and -025 from the Special Management (S-3) Zoning District to the Hamlin Acres Planned Development (PD-186) to allow for a residential...

Subdivision Plat: SBDV-06-23-02467

SBDV-06-23-02467: Subdivision plat application taking two existing lots and creating a total of four lots for TMS #s 614-00-00-165 and 614-00-00-331 at 1083 Gadsdenville Road.

Subdivision Plat: SBDV-07-23-02493

SBDV-07-23-02493: Subdivision plat application taking one existing lot and creating three total lots for TMS # 614-00-00-107 at 1058 Theodore Road.

Subdivision Plat: SBDV-02-24-02710

SBDV-02-24-02710: Subdivision plat application taking one existing lot and creating two lots with a residual of eight acres for TMS# 615-00-00-022 at 1424 Chandler Road.

Subdivision Plat: SBDV-02-24-02716

SBDV-02-24-02716: Subdivision plat application taking one existing lot and creating a total of two lots for TMS # 583-00-00-114 at 2981 Bennett Charles Road.